- Commander Shepard -Anathematixs on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/anathematixs/art/Commander-Shepard-346668637Anathematixs

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- Commander Shepard -



My first submission of 2013!! :D

As I said in my journal; I want to challenge myself this year, and this is the first piece to start that tradition.

The main protagonist from the Mass Effect series: Commander Shepard. (The female one of course)
The armor and pose are heavily referenced off of the promotional shots for ME3, which I believe is quite clear to see.
But that's what you get when painting new things... you need references. But I just HAD to make her look like my personal femshep. :D

All comments are more than welcome and critique is always appreciated!
This art may not be used, referenced, reproduced, posted or altered without our expressed written and signed permission, my art is not stock!!!

Commander Shepard and the N7 armor's copyright belongs to EA and Bioware.
Image size
2646x3742px 3.51 MB
© 2013 - 2024 Anathematixs
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