Stella's Photographic Journey (demo) ScreenshotsAnastasiaMorning on DeviantArt

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Stella's Photographic Journey (demo) Screenshots



A showcase of screenshots from Stella's Photographic Journey (demo), a visual novel demo I developed as my submision to Crunchless Challenge game jam.
Stella's Photographic Journey is a (demo of a) short sweet and peaceful sci-fi visual novel about a young amateur photographer travelling through space in her tiny starship lookig for interesting sights.
All art is hand-crafted by me tradtionally using watercolous. Music by Prod. Riddiman
I plan to eventually release the full version, hopefully in December 2021/January 2022.

And sorry for such a long silence. I still have a bunch of summer and autumn art to scan and upload.

(50 characters deviation title limit? Seriously? WTF it's not that long of a title. But, well, thanks it's not a 30 characters limit, that would suck. And hopefully DA won't come up with description character limit, but I guess I shouldn't give them ideas.)
Image size
2000x3328px 10.48 MB
© 2021 - 2025 AnastasiaMorning
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