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Ana Bertola
602 Watchers126 Deviations

Today I saw Ringo Starr. I'm happy

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1 min read
I'm having a lot of work lately... and that's actually pretty good! I'm really happy that my project is going in the right direction.
So, I'm sewing a lot... the sewing machine it's a part of me now ha ha ha
I have some interestig costumes to do, I'm actually doing some of my dream cosplays for commission, I don't get to keep them but I least I made them ♥ they will look so pretty ♥ hope to finish all by next week! New pictures are coming :)

So, then I can continue my cosplay for the Unicomix's finals and start my new costume for the Yamato Cosplay Cup of this year.
It's gonna be interesting!

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I'm finally there... Visit :)

slowly uploading photos

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Sewing by AnaSBertola, journal

My WorldCosplay Profile by AnaSBertola, journal