Deviation Actions
Hey guys, this is a relevant announcement for both Rixixi and B-NOMALY! Sorry for going slow in Rixixi and almost silent in B-NOMALY, along with Eclipse this summer is not taking it easy on me. I've got good news, though:
Our Lorekeeper is officially open!
It's effectively in beta, we're still testing some features and not everything is 100% yet, but it works fine enough to open it publicly! It's pretty much the new inventory and prompt management system for both Rixixi and B-NOMALY so if you're active in either one, please sign up so we can continue to manage your inventory and prompts, ahaha.
Some things you'll find on the Chasmhome Lorekeeper:
A Welcome Pack! It has stuff for both B-NOMALY and Rixixi. c:
Myrk's shop has been moved entirely to Lorekeeper, and the B-NOMALY Labs shop has moved its entire stock to Lorekeeper except MYOs. I'm still sorting out how to port and work with MYOs.
Most active barters and B-NOMALY prompts have been moved to the Lorekeeper - I cycled a couple really old Rixixi ones out of circulation for good, and added some retired ones back to circulation because Lorekeeper makes it easier to roll 'em! I also swapped a couple of the archived B-NOM prompts over to seasonal prompts!
Rixixi - Tier 1 Faction Prompts! I was adding prompts and figured it would be a neat way to start phasing in the factions. Tier 2 Faction things (joining a faction, faction apparel, faction shops) will be in a future update, at this time the Tier 1 prompts are more of a preview than anything. They'll cycle every 2 weeks like the other barters, there'll be 2 from each faction available at a time!
I'll update links/journals on Rixixi and B-NOMALY to make them point this way and make sense with this update over the course of the next couple of days! I'd do it right this second but it's been very hot today and I keep forgetting what I'm doing |D Go ahead and check the site out! I hope it helps some with the eclipse issues <: