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[BNOM] [SOLD] The Lost: Trailblazer



"Steele, you okay? Like an illusion fading away, the intercom voice changes - Chipper is on the other end. We need someone up here, there's a scout at the front gate.

Steele slumps audibly, cursing under her breath. After a moment, she activates the intercom again. "I'm just tired, Chip. Yeah, send someone down to relieve me if you can. Just pick someone as intimidating as possible, we need a bouncer here. ...Chipper, who is it?"

Still not Vic, I'm sorry. But the Trailblazer is back."

Full event storyline here!

This S-OLSTICE is part of a Chasm-Connected event!


A scout that disappeared into the vat, now returned to the labs but shaken up by the experience. Something strange happens when the vat turns blue, and B-NOMALIES are only just starting to come back. The Trailblazer seems unwilling to look in mirrors or take off their mask - though they seem unchanged physically. Maybe it's something they saw?

This B-NOMALY was for sale for $10 USD!
SOLD to PaintSet! Thank you!

-Classic Face (common)
-Muzzle Face (uncommon)
-Feline Ears (rare)
-Stylist Ears (ANARCHIE)
-Cat's Paw (uncommon)
-Bun Back Legs (common)
-Cottontail (common)
-Angora (common)
-Glitter (ANARCHIE)
-Incense (ANARCHIE)

Image size
2800x2500px 1.93 MB
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PaintSet's avatar

God I love him....

Can I steal him away?