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AmyWinterbreeze's avatar

Smile, young master



Elodin from The KingKiller Chronicle :D

Despite his madness, he's my most favorite character. I think he's super cute- god, I love everything he does. Wait, except when he and Kvothe were bare naked on the rooftop together....

and this is how I always pictured Elodin, with medium long dark hair, boyish expression. I think he wears his pj to work too; but it's okay, it's Elodin we are talking about! :D

oh, If you wonder why it's in black and white, think simple... I messed up while I was coloring. :dummy: It was beyond my reach...
If I do another Elodin in the future, I swear to Tehlu it will be in color :icontearplz:

anyways, hope you enjoy.
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700x800px 305.72 KB
© 2011 - 2024 AmyWinterbreeze
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ElveaSkyefal's avatar
Aah! This is amazing.

Elodin is my favorite professor too, but getting caught NAKED on a rooftop by LORREN OF ALL PEOPLE *Dies of laughter*

Yes, I do enjoy? Did enjoy it? (How to phrase that sentence is beyond me~)