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Fela from The KingKiller Chronicle :D

Since I didn't really remember what color were her eyes, I just gave her a green/hazel eyes- they seem to fit her, complimenting her dark hair. :XD:

I always thought of Fela as the hottest female student from the University. Poor Kvothe, he lost his chance at winning her (She's so much prettier/nicer/less slutty than that Denna the runner/whore!!!)... I personally hoped our hopeless young Kvothe will go for Fela but no he didnt ;_;

Guess Simmon is the only guy who knows her true value :icondatassplz:

and I noticed lately I'm only drawing KingKiller Chronicle fanarts.

Why do I have this strange feeling that I will end up drawing every character from the novel :iconmegustaplz: I can't stop thinking about the characters I want to draw. Must resist. Must resist. Must resistttttt---

.........Maybe just a few more won't hurt. Right? Right?..
Image size
800x950px 393.5 KB
© 2011 - 2024 AmyWinterbreeze
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The-Ventriloquist's avatar
What a magnificent and stunning picture of Fela - fantastic work!👍🙂☺️