Something different from Amy - music questions

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AmyKPhotos's avatar

I saw this "music questions" thread on KatharinaKuebler 's page, and I thought it would be fun to try it. I love to browse through tags or memes that are worth to have my own version! :D My MP3 player was first (and last) updated in October, but work from what I have. It seems it likes to choose the same artists again and again, but no matter. I recommend you all the songs. :D

The task is simple: put any music player on shuffle, then insert the first lines of the song as an answer to the question. It was extra fun to do. (What have exams done to me?)

1. What do you say when you wake up?
I see trees of green, red roses too, I see the bloom for me and you, and I think to myself, what a wonderful world... ( What a wonderful world - Cover by Israel "IZ" Kamakawivo'ole )

Optimistic thoughts and nature. Love it.

2. You're late to an appointment. What do you say?
I got my ticket for a long way run, two bottle of whiskey for the way. ( Anna Kendrick - When I'm gone (aka Cup song) )

Like if I drank alcohol! :lol:

3. While you’re getting ready, you stub your toe:
Well, it's a Hungarian song, let me translate: A music sheet's left on the piano, you can't believe that the ball has ended, no more prizes on the raffle, money thrown out, maybe too bad for me... ( Zsuzsa Cserháti - Akad, amit nem gyógyít meg az idő sem )

Like if that was my biggest problem. Funny though, because the title in English means "There are things that even time cannot heal". Like my poor hurt toe. :la:

4. You just barely make it. You shout:
Hungarian too. I gotta translate: Somebody tell me, what is life like, somebody tell me, why is it like this? ( Gábor Presser - Valaki mondja meg ) English title: Somebody tell me )

Not sure if agreed or I should not feel sorry for making it! :rofl:

5. The person next to you looks at you awkwardly and says:
When the Moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars. ( Hair - Aquarius )

Would the boss mind if I started singing out loudly that "Aquaaaaaaariuuuus!"? :D

6. You respond:
Gimme that old time religion, gimme that old time religion, gimme that old time religion, it's good enough for me! ( June Carter Cash - Old time religion unofficial and shorter clip )

7. After the appointment, you leave to go to a cafe. You bump into your ex. What do you say?
Your butt is mine, gonna take you right, just show your face in broad daylight, I'm telling you on how I feel, gonna hurt your mind don't shoot to kill. ( Michael Jackson - Bad )

Oh wow. :O In medias res reaction. I don't swear, I copied the words. I would not be that cruel to an ex, however, no experience in these terms!

8. He responds:
She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene, I said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round? She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round. ( Michael Jackson - Billie Jean )

It would have been better if he said "Billie Jean is not my lover", too late to explain, lol. :D

9. You go to order something. What do you say to the cashier?
I will follow him, follow him where ever he may go. ( Sister act - I will follow him )

Okay, I am faithful, but I won't run after a man who cheated on me with Billie Jean! :P :lol:

10. They get your order wrong. How do you respond?
Hungarian one again: A thin little river moving slowly goes to the holy place, far away. ( Forrás - Áradj folyó )

The refrain would be better in this situation: Run out river, take me with yourself...

11. They apologize by saying:
When you're weary, feeling small, when tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all. I'm on your side, oh, when times get rough, and friends just can't be found. ( Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge over troubled water )

Okay, apology accepted, just keep your promise! :P

12. A random man starts flirting with you by saying:
Well I guess it would be nice if I could touch your body, I know not everybody has got a body like you! ( George Michael - Faith )

Have not heard this kind of compliment before. My MP3 chose the most suitable song, lol! :D

13. You respond:
Hold me like the river Jordan and I will then say to thee: you are my friend. Carry me like you are my brother love me like a mother will you be there? Weary, tell me will you hold me when wrong, will you scold me when lost will you find me? ( Michael Jackson - Will you be there )

Nice long response, said too well! :D Love me not only for the outwards, people! :P

14. He wants to take you out for dinner. You respond:
Hungarian, gonna translate: To love until going crazy, how beautiful it would be, if only that another one would notice me and would think so... ( Pál Szécsi - Szeretni bolondulásig )

15. You leave the cafe and bump into an old friend. You greet them with:
Where are those happy days, they seem so hard to find, I tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind. ( ABBA - S.O.S )

Attacking them immediately? Not too much me, but congrats to my MP3 to fitting lyrics again! :D

16. You talk with him/her for a little while and leave them by saying:
Love is a burning thing, and it makes a fiery ring bound by wild desire, I fell into a ring of fire. ( Johnny Cash - Ring of fire )

:rofl: Watch out, the video is literal...

17. As you’re walking away, you accidentally hit someone. They growl:
I gave up all my friends, my girls from out of town, bought her what she wanted, yet she let me down. ( Vaya Con Dios - Don't cry for Louie )

18. You say back:
Translation: Many thick pens write many fates, in many book, many names, and they're put on seven stamps by different hands. You can't even say "Hey, I'm here", or something like "What's up?". You're not even one day old, and you get a schedule... ( Gábor Presser - Hány cédula egy élet )

Making an already depressed person feeling more depressed. Poor fellow! :(

19. You come across a fortune teller. She tells you:
I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life. ( Michael Jackson - Man in the mirror )

At least she says something that actually may happen. :happybounce: :lol: :la:

20. You ignore her. Later to find out her fortune came true. What do you say?
I got on the phone and called the girls, said "Meet me down at Curly Pearls, for a ney, nah neh nah". ( Vaya con Dios - Nah neh nah )

21. Someone comes over and asks if you’re okay. You respond:
All around me are familiar faces, worn out faces, worn out places, bright and early for the daily races, going nowhere, going nowhere. ( Gary Jules - Mad world )

Balancing mood level: Amy in Musicville :lol:

22. You run off to catch the bus. You barely make it. The bus driver looks at you and says:
Hail holy queen enthroned above, oh Maria! ( Sister act - Oh Maria )

I wonder whether this reaction ought to be considered good or bad.

23. While you sit down, you get a call. First thing you hear is:
L is for the way you look at me, O is for the only one I see, V is very, very extraordinary, E is even more than anyone that you adore can, love is all that I can give to you, love is more than just a game for two, two in love can make it, take my heart and please don't break it, love was made for me and you. ( Frank Sinatra - Love )

Oh how sweet, a secret lover! :love:

24. You respond with:
Never know how much I love you, never know how much I care, when you put your arms around me I get a fever that's so hard to bear. You give me fever, when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight, fever in the morning baby, fever all through the night. ( Zsuzsa Cserháti - Adj még a tűzből (Hungarian cover of Fever )

Geez, that escalated quickly. :O

25. You were so busy talking on the phone you missed your stop. You shout:
I got chills. They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. 'Cause the power you're supplyin', it's electrifyin'! ( Grease - You're the one that I want )

The bus surely does have some electric power in itself.

26. The people around you say:
Half past twelve and I'm watching the late show in my flat all alone, how I hate to spend the evening on my own! ( ABBA - Gimme gimme gimme )

And this would be the moment when I'd wonder what did everyone around me smoke. :lol:

27. You scurry off the bus and call a friend for a ride. He/She tells you:
Get your motor runnin', head out on the highway, looking for adventure, in whatever comes our way. ( Steppenwolf - Born to be wild )

Aww yea!

28. Your friend manages to get you a ride home. You thank them by saying:
Translation: You don't even know her name, you don't hold her hand, you only know she is only 14, Daddy's caring for her, Mommy's caring for her, she doesn't know what, what's waiting for her. ( LGT - Ő még csak most 14 )

Failed to thank in a proper way. Thanks, MP3 player. :giggle:

29. You realize you lost your house key. You groan:
Translation: It burns me, it hurts me, the inner fire tears me apart! ( Péter Máté - Úgy ég, úgy fáj (feat. Zsuzsa Cserháti) )

When I've seen this music title, I literally laughed out loud. :giggle:

30. Lucky for you, there’s a spare hidden. What do you say out of relief?
You're so hot teasing me, so you're blue but I can't take a chance on a chick like you, it's something I couldn't do. ( ABBA - Does your mother know )

Or a key like you? :giggle:

31. It’s been a long day, huh? What are your thoughts?
Oh happy day, oh happy day, oh happy day, oh happy day... ( Sister act 2 - Oh happy day )

Why, it was busy. :D When Jesus *high note* waaaashed my sins away! :D

32. You turn the TV on and hear:
Translation: It's so good for me, you're here for me. (Gábor Presser - Te majd kézenfogsz és hazavezetsz )

Maybe it was some song requesting show where they accidentally put one of my fave songs! And this personal message is just aww! :aww: :love:

33. You get sick of the TV and check your email. You read:
Translation: Many times I think why do nights and days always replace each other? Why cannot be here always light, I ask myself, why cannot we see each other anymore? It's so bad without you, I can't bear it, come back to me, I'm waiting for you. ( Péter Máté: Éjszakák és nappalok )

Aww, I'm gonna blush. :aww:

34. Hey, it’s dinner time. You realize there’s nothing to eat in your house:
Feeling my way throug the darkness, guided by a beating heart... ( Avicii - Wake me up )

35. Remember that person who asked you out to dinner? You call them up and say:
And now the end is near, and so I'll face the final curtain... ( Frank Sinatra - My way )

It depends on the amount of starvation, yep! :D

36. So now you’re eating dinner. Your date says:
You ain't nothin' but a hound dog, crying all the time. ( Elvis Presley - Hound dog )

Woah, that was rude. :O

37. You respond:
Buddy you're a boy make a big noise playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day, you got mud on yo' face, you big disgrace, kickin' your can all over the place. ( Queen - We will rock you )

I would not be that rude, but well said! :D

38. After dinner, you realize you don’t know who’s paying. What do you think when they don’t offer to pick the check up?
If I were a rich man, yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum... ( Fiddler on the roof - If I were a rich man )

39. You end up paying. You grumble:
Help! I need somebody, help! Not just anybody, help! You know I need someone, help! ( Beatles - Help )

40. So the date is over. You tell him/her:
Translation: If you're still waiting for the beautiful promise of your dream, wait until the sun will rise. (Ferenc Demjén - Várj, míg felkel majd a nap )

41. You go home, full and exhausted. Final thoughts before bed?
Translation: I have no one but you Jesus, you're the source of my life, I worship you with my arms, legs, mouth and heart, my Lord. ( Béla Pintér - Hús-vér templom )

Well many things in this imaginary day were worth a little worship! :D

And as for praying, pray for Audra (Sugaree33-art) please! :hug:

© 2014 - 2025 AmyKPhotos
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Tigles1Artistry's avatar
:giggle:.. I have to confess I still am in the middle of doing this... but by now the
results are really amazing...:rofl:....
Thanks for sharing hon....:iconkimberely: