
1829 deviations

467 deviations

Intergalactic Fusion
504 deviations

Miscellaneous Art
300 deviations

Pokemon of Avalon Stuff
198 deviations

PMD-Explorers Stuff
628 deviations

Sixfold League Stuff
44 deviations

Harvest Moon 4-Panel Comics
75 deviations
Diary of a Tactician - Epilogue
I...I’m still alive! Apparently, I’m still alive! Earlier today, Chrom and Lucina found me lying in the exact same field that Chrom and the Shepherds first found me in after I had lost my memories. But this time...I didn’t lose them. I remembered them both. I remember everyone in the Shepherds. I remember everything in the past three years! Chrom told me that though everyone was shocked and saddened when I struck the final blow on Grima before he could, and I disappeared soon after that, Naga told everyone afterwards that there was still hope. That if I truly loved everyone with all my heart, that the bonds that tied me to the people of th...
Literature and Fanfiction
88 deviations

50 deviations
Literature and Fanfiction88
Here's where I'll be storing all of the literature and fanfiction that I write and complete on my own time instead of following along with a group's storyline. I'm not just an artist; I take my writing skills just as seriously, if not even more so.
List of Major Productions:
Team Pecha and the Echoes of Time
Franchise: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky
Total # of chapters: 22
Meteos: The Movie
Franchise: Meteos
Total # of chapters: 17
Rescue Number 301
Franchise: Pokeumans
Total # of chapters: 12
Sub-Galleries 3

Team Pecha and the Echoes of Time
Meteos The Movie, Scene 1
Act 1: The Homefront Author's Note: In the original DS game, you could choose either a single route consisting of six planets, a branch mode, or a multi mode, with 12 different possible endings. Furthermore, you could also decide which alien species builds the Metamo Ark and goes on the adventure. For the purposes of this "movie adaptation", though, I'll go with these choices. 1) The Geolytes are the main characters, since it said so in the game's opening movie. 2) They encounter ALL 39 other planets, both from the original game and from Meteos Wars. 3) Four of the 12 endings will be combined in some way, along with a fifth that I came u...
Meteos - The Movie
Rescue Number 301 - Chapter 1
:bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink: Chapter 1: A World I Never Knew :bulletblue::bulletblue::bulletblue:It happened on the day of my 10th birthday.Obviously, I didn't notice right away. I'd never been the type to look that closely in mirrors, anyway. For example, I only brushed my hair to the extent that the front looked good, mostly because the bathrooms in my house never had enough mirrors to allow me to see the back of my head. I figured, if I couldn't see it, what was so important about it? It drove my mom nuts, I tell you. But that's not the point. The point was that something happened that day that made me stare in the mirror long...
Rescue Number 301
Literature and Fanfiction
Team Pecha and the Echoes of Time 44