I have always been here...Amras-Arfeiniel on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/amras-arfeiniel/art/I-have-always-been-here-374605798Amras-Arfeiniel

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Amras-Arfeiniel's avatar

I have always been here...



Yes I know, that isn't what Kosh looked like in his angel shape. :)
But I like the idea of him looking like a being of light (and a seraph).

This is a first version of a picture that I have in mind. I hope to finish the final version one day...

Have fun with it!

And please have a look at this Babylon5 20th Anniversary memorial video:
Time to remember those we have lost.

Software used: Cinema4d, Photoshop
Image size
1140x1658px 523.68 KB
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JeanLucCaptain's avatar

yup. that's what i saw too. i loved that scene! literally everybody say an angel or the equivalent in their culture. And that had rather frighting implications for how long these guys have been manipulating our culture.