Story of A GirlAmora-Velvet on DeviantArt

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Story of A Girl



This is my new Alter Ego, her name is Virginia. I got the name form the song "Meet Virginia" Every personality point of hers comes from me. shes a version of me I can make so whatever I want. I tried drawing her in my style but it just didn't suit her. So I opted for a Shaman King/Digimon look. It suits her ALOT better. I tried to pick out a different hairstyle but the one that Yoe had really fit her, and me actually, thats basically what my hair looks like. Layered and all over the freaking place.

As you can see I didn't put THAT much effort into the background, it was sort of an added thing. I was just testing drawing hee and it turned into this.

About the headphones. I always listen to my music, I try to grab it as soon as I can in the morning. I've had a bad week and it helps keep my mind off of things. I'm considering making a small comic series with her portraying me in little things.

I don't say much about how I feel about this whole situation I'm in and by getting ehr to lash out in the comics would help me I suppose. Some kind of art Therepy :P.

Anyway, I would deffinatly like to know what you think of her ^_^.
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739x566px 33.84 KB
© 2005 - 2025 Amora-Velvet
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SierraAngel's avatar
yay kendra!!!! she is awsome!!! and so is kendra!!! :star: :star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star: