Jalek and the Starbook40
Dr. Jalek Holan always considered himself a rational dragon, that was until one day a strange old book filled with unreadable writing and confusing imagery appeared in his briefcase. After that, his life decidedly took on a new direction when he realized he wasn't the only being who knew of the books existence.
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Part 1 - Of Mysterious and Unknown Origin
Jalek and the Starbook - Prologue
Dr. Jalek Holan had woken up, mane askew, a slight ache in his right side from sleeping some way his body didn't like. He had gotten ready for his job at the university as any good teacher would have done, the steam of his morning coffee swirling around his muzzle, a half read lesson plan from the previous night in his hands. Glasses had been shoved blearily against his face, shirt freshly starched and not quite feeling right against his body as he dressed. Gold scales parted with slate colored points and stripes, scattered with white freckles, Jalek not particularly tall and thinly built. His horns were starting to pale early as a few stray strands of gray touched his temples.
He had put his hat on his head and left his house with his briefcase and a hastily packed lunch. Jalek was never one to be quite as put together so shortly after waking as he was today, but he had done his best. Today was going to be busy, and he was going to be ready for it. He promised himself
Book Chapters

Character References