Officer Jill ValentineAmmieChan on DeviantArt

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AmmieChan's avatar

Officer Jill Valentine



My STARS Jill Valentine cosplay I wore to Wizard World Con in Toronto 2011. This was a costume on my To-do list for a long while. I'm glad I finally got the chance to make it! The costume overall was alot easier then I anticipated. I made the top, shoulder pads, pants and mag pouches. The beret was purchased and dyed a darker blue. The tact belt and leg holster I had already. A big thanks to Straywind for giving me the small STARS patch for the beret!
I also cut and styled the wig to resemble Jill's hairstyle.
Costume by me
Photo by IcePhoenix
Image size
1728x2592px 455.42 KB
Β© 2012 - 2025 AmmieChan
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Heckscher's avatar
Hell yeah... Jill Valentine... one of my first crushes ;)
Don't mess with her!