Hey! My name is Amber but my online handle is Ammie/AmmieChan/AmmieCosplay. I have been cosplaying since 2006; I began sewing in 2002. I am a masters level cosplayer and occasionally judge Masquerades for conventions. I design and create costumes for theater productions in my hometown. Before discovering my passion to sew I would draw and paint movie posters, portraits and cartoons. I like to include my artistic talent into my sewing projects. I take commissions every now and again just to get the sewing bug out of my system XD I enjoy meeting new people and cosplaying with fellow cosplayers XD
I love to lend a helping hand to fellow cosplayers whether they are novice or masters and answer every construction inquiry I receive.
I love gaming and enjoy horror survival style games.
Please do NOT take any photos of mine and post on other sites or blogs!!! Ask permission first please!!
Need to contact me and don't have an account? Email me at: Ammiecosplay@Hotmail.com