AmmieChan's avatar


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Video Test Editing #3 (Arkham Knight Trailer) by Venom-V13, journal

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Artisan Crafts
  • June 30
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 12 years
  • She / Her
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (68)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (2)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Hey! My name is Amber but my online handle is Ammie/AmmieChan/AmmieCosplay. I have been cosplaying since 2006; I began sewing in 2002. I am a masters level cosplayer and occasionally judge Masquerades for conventions. I design and create costumes for theater productions in my hometown. Before discovering my passion to sew I would draw and paint movie posters, portraits and cartoons. I like to include my artistic talent into my sewing projects. I take commissions every now and again just to get the sewing bug out of my system XD I enjoy meeting new people and cosplaying with fellow cosplayers XD
I love to lend a helping hand to fellow cosplayers whether they are novice or masters and answer every construction inquiry I receive.
I love gaming and enjoy horror survival style games.

Please do NOT take any photos of mine and post on other sites or blogs!!! Ask permission first please!!

Need to contact me and don't have an account? Email me at:

Favourite Visual Artist
Drew Struzen, Alex Ross, Jim Lee
Favourite Movies
Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Back to the Future Trilogy, Star Wars Sega, I could litterly go on but you get the idea ;)
Favourite TV Shows
Supernatural, Psych, From Dusk till Dawn the series I miss the X Files so much T_T
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Way too many to list lol
Favourite Books
Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings Series, Watchmen
Favourite Writers
J.K Rowling, Stephen King, J.R Tolkien, Alan Moore
Favourite Games
Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, BloodRayne, Primal
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360
Other Interests
I love sewing, gaming, drawing and designing various clothing fashions
It seems Deviantart is a little quiet these days. I did make an Instagram account. My Username is @ammiecosplay if you wish to follow. I have a lot more new photos to upload there as well as several new photo shoots during this summer to upload. I have more than 200 costumes to showcase! If you're a cosplayer and follow me I will certainly follow you back. I want to support the community as much as possible!
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It's been a long while since I've written a journal. I fell off the grid with DA, and everything for awhile after a life threatening illness in 2016. I underwent a major surgery and after a few months recovery I slowly started getting back on my feet. Things that I have focused on a lot in the last year and a half has been charity work. I co-founded a Star Wars charity group called Star Wars Echo Three  please go over and check out our page and like! We are 40+ members and growing and we have now decided to embark on a new adventure.  We have started our Kickstarter page for this new project that will document this important journey to ...
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I just wanted to thank everyone for the feedback on whether or not I should create a Twitter account for preview shots of costumes. I did indeed make an account, so if you wish to follow me I'm @AmmieDesigns  I will be uploading WIP, teaser shots and never before seen costumes that I will be photographing in the next few months. If you're interested in seeing what costumes I will be uploading next on here, go ahead and check it out! I will also be uploading commission shots of completed projects. So if you have a commission pending from me, you can see what it looks like via Twitter.My last minute event is International Sailor Moon Day To...
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Happy birthday.
Happy (slightly belated) birthday!