5 min read

Deviation Actions

AmethystUnderwood's avatar


Since I have decided to offer up some stock... I thought long and hard about my rules...  I guess I must be a bit on the strict side, but some of these are very serious. I am not normally a hard ass but I DO take art theft VERY seriously and I will NOT tolerate people who take advantage of me or any other artist offering stock and resources.

I Hereby give all members of DeviantArt permission to use my stock in DeviantArt prints, IF and Only IF they adhere to my terms of use.

If you need a larger sized image, please note me with a link to the image you are requesting.

***If you are going to use my Stock... You MUST abide by my rules.***

1) Change it up... A LOT.. Do whatever you want to it...but do a lot of it...

2) My children are NOT to be used in an disrespectful manner, no Horror, no sexual content, no racism, no hate, no anti-American Deviations.

3) Absolutely NO Anti-American Deviations using my stock... No political works period.  Religious works are OKAY =)  This is not a rule I have an option of changing as a military wife. So if you break this rule your work WILL be removed and your stock privileges revoked. This is very serious.

4) You may use my stock in prints if you would like. No need to ask.

5) you are REQUIRED to credit me in the description of your work, if you do not, you will get one warning and then your dev will be removed and you will not be welcome to use my stock.

6) You MUST link back to the stock used.

7) You must notify me either via Note, or comment on the stock image used if you used my stock in any way.  NOT ON MY MAIN PAGE

8)You MAY use my stock for anything ON or OUTSIDE DeviantArt as long as you give me a link to where you used it!!!!!!  


10) DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE MY STOCK... if you want to share it... send them a link to my DeviantArt account.  *this will be modified for groups and clubs featuring stock here on DA*

11) My Stock is NOT to be used to make other Stock unless you receive my permission first.  

Stock images will be CLEARLY labeled with "STOCK" in both the titles and descriptions. If it doesn't have BOTH.. it is NOT STOCK.. DON'T USE IT.

***Finally, Clearly, NOT ALL IMAGES on this account art stock images. My art and photography is NOT public domain, all images are copyrighted and NOT to be used, sold or modified in anyway without my permission.  That includes but is NOT limited to, blogs, websets, tags, tubes and/or brushes, prints, cards, advertising, use on commercial websites and personal web pages.  It is NOT okay to take one of my images and add it to a collection SITE of any kind. Including but not limited to, piczo website, tag sites, and personal favorites lists. *DA COLLECTIONS AND FAVS ARE OKAY!!* There will be NO WARNINGS, legal action will be taken concerning violations.***




***Hey Guys!!! Check out my Cousin J-Underwood He's New to DA and he's got some GREAT Drawings up!!!! Show him some DA Lovin!!!*** He's getting ready to delve into Photography also!!


My Art Features....

Fireworks 2006 by AmethystUnderwood Full View it... Its worth it!

Something Bigger Than I by AmethystUnderwood Bad Camera... Good Shot...

When You're Away... by AmethystUnderwood Another one to Full view... the Colors are wonderful.

Softer Summer by AmethystUnderwood Taken last spring I think... gives me the warm fuzzies..


Oregon, Home!


© 2007 - 2025 AmethystUnderwood
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the-suns-moon's avatar faves? im confused :cries: