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Dlabaj Design and Emotive Imagery
Dlabaj DesignAloha everyone! New to Deviant Art... and a friend of mine -> :icondlabajdesign:.
Go check out his work and give him some feedback!
:thumb194115870:I have also managed to finally get my website into somewhat working order. Finally =p Emotive Imagery and I have some great discounts going over at the E.I. Facebook Page. Make sure you ask about military and Kama'aina discounts as well... these are not listed. Emotive Imagery Facebook My Family on dA!:iconhillsidedelight: :iconmalishus-myschief: :iconsoundslikedave: :icontaltosdragon: :iconshadowkorgoth: :iconthiania:My ShoppeJust one of the fun kids' designs you can find in my...
Susan G. Komen Foundation WASTING Donation $$$
Not a single dime more of my money will be going to this Foundation until this kind of harassment and waste of money STOPS. This REALLY makes you think about what your donation money is actually paying for... what a crock of you know what. I am almost speechless with anger and surprise.[ http:// ]
Internet Trolls
Links! Home Page My Gift Shoppe My Stock Account Stock Rules Oregon Artists Club Everything Pink New Internet Predator, The Vigilante Troll.In the last few days I have come across a new type of internet troll. I have dubbed this type the "Vigilante Troll." dAS is ridden with this kind of animal, and for good reason. Vigilante Trolls are addicted to drama. They need it to thrive and dAS is the perfect place to find it. dAS is crawling with people who's comments are less than sunshine and flowers. I myself have made many a comment based in tough love. Only now a days, if you say ANYTHING that could be construed as even slightly negativ...
Read at Your Own Risk. /Rant on...
My Thoughts on DAS/DeviantArtSecret ***NOTE*** If you respond to this, be prepared for a long drawn out conversation. Know that I will respond with fervor and gusto. If at some point you resort to flaming me, you will be blocked, I have a zero tolerance policy for immature behavior. I comment on secrets because sometimes people read the comments, be it the Secret Tellers or just the people who stop by and read the secrets. DAS is nothing more than a tool, a means to an end for some. The catalyst through which to receive advice and sometimes comfort or validation. DAS itself is not the important part, it is the STs and those who read a...
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