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Daily Deviation

November 5, 2005
"Decision Time by ~americanpsycho - a piece that not only shows the emotional insight of decision making and a great manipulation of theme, setting and enviroment." - I can't agree more, look out for a feature on his gallery in my Gallery Features! Z.
Featured by zilla774
Suggested by DanielRabjerg
americanpsycho's avatar

Decision Time



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1152x864px 872.02 KB
© 2005 - 2024 americanpsycho
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Would you mind if I use "Decision Time" for a presentation that I have to do for my Lit/Arts class? If you don't mind, could you give a little background information on it, such as when created, inspiration, etc.? I know it's been around for a while, because I've been "stuck" with it for my background since 2005ish...Thanks.