Foam and Worbla armour MEGA TUTORIALAmenoKitarou on DeviantArt

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Foam and Worbla armour MEGA TUTORIAL



Brace yourselves! The MEGA tutorial is coming. 
Part 1 Foam Shaping, Part 2 Foam Detailing, Part 3 Worbla

You will need to view full size to read this monstrosity
I hope this will help someone, somehow, someday~! 
Please leave feeback and share! Enjoy. 

P.S. PLEASE READ FAQs before asking questions in comments 

- What kind of foam? Where do I buy?
EVA foam. 5mm thick. I buy it in the form of a gym mat from local malls. 

- What kind of glue?
I use contact adhesive (you can buy this at any hardware store). But hot glue also works~

- Where can I buy worbla?
If you are in Sydney, there is a place that stocks it locally called The Sarlacc Pit in Parramatta. If you are elsewhere... I have no idea. Google "Buy Worbla Online" maybe?

- I can't afford worbla. What can I do?
Follow the tutorial until the end of Part 2. Then seal and paint it as a foam armour. Part 3 is completely optional. 

- I tried this and it didn't work so well. 
Practice. Fail. Repeat. Learn.

- Video tutorial?
There is nothing exciting about listening to my voice while I do tedious things. So I assure you this is the best medium. 

- Commissions?
Yes. PM for details and quote.

- I thought you disliked worbla? 
I do. But since there are many people out there who love worbla, and I am working with it now, why not share some knowledge?
Image size
1200x6683px 7.65 MB
Date Taken
Jul 14, 2014, 2:24:30 AM
© 2014 - 2025 AmenoKitarou
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FracturedWorkshop's avatar
Nice! Covers what you need to know and easy to follow!