EdwardAmenite on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/amenite/art/Edward-108153639Amenite

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Finished. Finally. That's easily 30 hours work. I'm so happy with how it turned out. I know I'm going to look back and think it was sloppy, but right now I love it!

Thanks heaps to the people who commented and faved the WIPs!! I was so pleasantly surprised!!

I gave up on the hair and ended up just making most of it up. A detailed hair reference is a special sort of torture for a photorealism artist. I don't have the patience.

The clothes are sloppy, I don't like the mouth, but I like it as a whole. Will post a couple of details, and I suggest downloading to see the finer detail. Full-view or die.

Done in Linux's GIMP image editor, entirely hand-drawn. The reference is from an Entertainment Weekly magazine shoot, and Edward Cullen belongs to Stephanie Meyer - this is fanart.

Maybe next time I'll try and draw someone other than Rob Pattinson. Yeah, fat chance. He's good to draw.

Ready, fangirls? On my count... One, two, SQUEEEEEE!!
Image size
1313x1792px 207.29 KB
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HN310's avatar
O...m...g...Did you draw this? WHOA!! This is amazing!!