Ashour-Grim Skits #2AmeerAshourDraws on DeviantArt

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Ashour-Grim Skits #2



Ashour-Grim Skits #2 - Eggman's Actual Fate during the Zombot Invasion

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So, me and my pal :icongrimlock1997:, were talking about the Zombot Arc from the IDW Sonic comics, and even though I don't hate it as much as before (it's pretty good), it was pretty dreadful.
Me and him were discussing the infamous cowering Tails scene that everyone raged at when that issue came out, and even though I personally don't mind it because he was in a state where he couldn't fight because touching a Zombot would mean he could turn into one, I did think that Tails could do at least something small instead of cowering.

He suggested that Tails could've tried to infect Eggman instead of letting him escape, and I actually liked that idea, so he wrote a a small script, and that was what I was actually working on for the past few days. Enjoy Eggman's ACTUAL fate

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Writing by :icongrimlock1997:, and Artwork by me
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1122x1620px 2.73 MB
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Hypno-Scream's avatar

I recall that this whole Zombot thing was meant for the Archie Comics, which used SATAM Robotnik. So if you ever wondered why Eggman was so nasty in IDW and made a metal virus, that’s your answer.