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[MLP] Harmony



Just thought it would be really cool if Discord would also have a sibling representing the opposite element, as with Celestia and Luna. In my opinion it would be interesting to see Discord sharing a similar past with Luna, and mane6 releasing the Harmony from the tree she was trapped in/changed into after being defeated by Discord. Discord and Harmony could have some funny dialogs and typical "sibling hate" towards each other, because Discord could think that Harmony is too boring and salty, and Harmony could think that Discord is annoying and too irresponsible. There could be a whole episode dedicated to just Twilight trying to make the two draconequuses finally agree with each other.

Dunno, I would do it this way.

Sorry for my English.
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pocketbeetle's avatar
not a devoted fan of MLP (i wanna watch mooooreee Crying ) but dang this looks good. i highkey love your whole gallery omg Neko wow