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Amarynceus's avatar

Daily Doodle 686



Quick painting of a caravel redonda, the square-rigged alternative to the usual caravel latina.  The lateen rig was useful for sailing close to the wind, but when running before the wind it did not perform so well, and caravels were rerigged with a simple square rig like this one.  What was the middle mast has been restepped in the bows with a small square sail, a short bowsprit has been fitted to take the bowlines and fore stay, and the mainmast has been rerigged, stayed, and fitted with a square sail in place of the big lateen.

I've got too much work to do.
Clip Studio Paint, Cintiq 22HD.   © Avatar Z Brown
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1200x800px 523.9 KB
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cullyferg2010's avatar

And the lateen was later configured into a trysail?