8 OC Facts Tag - Jharin

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AmaranthineRain's avatar

Tagged by 1tiptip1 in 8 OC Facts Tag; she requested J'harin
There's really no one image with him, poor guy. Go here for stuff with him.

#1. Post these rules.
#2. Post 8 random facts about your character.
#3. Tag 8 other creators.
#4. Post their OCs name along with their creator's name/avatar.

1.  J'harin was part of a feline shapeshifter race I named "Cataris" when I was first developing the story he's in. I've since changed J'harin to a canine shifter but I miss his giant sabertooth design. 

2.  I've debated making him the mane character of the story a few times. 

3. His mother was the shapeshifter, his father was human.

4. He likes listening to and telling stories - particularly old ones that seem like legends but must have a vein of truth in them. 

5.  He faces a lot of discrimination as a child and youth both because of what he is and how he looks.  

6.  He loves water but lives in a desert culture where they have to conserve it. 

7.  He is intimidating in animal form because of his coloring and sometimes he likes it that way and uses it - though it can be difficult to tell if he's being serious or teasing you.

8.  Too-salty food makes him gag but he likes strong flavors. 

I Tag 
Tag backs are allowed but I don't often do these ;P 
You know how I am with these: you can always just post below if you like and refrain from continuing tagging others. 

:iconinkyrose: - Madame Night
:iconmaggiefromspace:8 character facts - Max Bolt and Cassie Craggs
:iconsparkyshinobi: - Itazura Tagged
:iconvivocateur: - Casey comment reply

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Vivocateur's avatar
Just a...liiiiiitle late to this >_>
[I'll do Casey, since you didn't specify a character (and he's my fave X'D)]

> He wan't originally named Casey. As a teenager he borrowed the name from the author of a book of collected mythology.  
> Casey has extensive, and rather ugly, tattoos on most of his body. He hates them and keeps them covered whenever possible. 
> Though generally an extremely picky eater he has developed a taste for dried leeches. 
> He has a 'pet' parasite that lives under his skin and feeds of his blood supply. He's named the creature Ebby and has kept it for more than a decade. 
> He was given the nickname 'Mister Sunshine' as a child for his unnervingly cheerful temperament and habit of wearing a yellow coat, partially in reference to a popular brand of mood elevating patch. 
> His monocle is actually just a little mirror held in place by subdermal magnets. He has no right eye. 
> He has no idea who either of his parents was...and really doesn't care. 
> Casey's got a weakness for banter, and often lets his tongue get the better of his judgement.