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Demon King Ganondorf nail art



ok ok, these are my new fave nails I have ever done!!!
Please please please don't ask how long they took, I have no idea this time...

Demon King Ganondorf, he is my fave villain, not only out of the LoZ villains, but out of every game, cartoon or story. To me he is the ULTIMATE villain.
So damn EVIL! >: D

I personally like his TP version much more than any other.
I have added his OoT version and also put in Demise.

Thumb: Demise just before the final battle xD
Index: TP Ganondorf, although he looks a bit like WW Ganny.
Middle: "Welcome to my castle" best. line. EVER!!!
Ring: Smexy Ganny(I had to) Yes, he's topless and wet, I added drips of clear polish for the effect.
Pinky: OoT Ganondorf.

I hope you all like them.
I only used nail polish here.
I don't ever want to take these off :')

The Silent Realm:[link]

I have Queen Rutela in mind...hopefully my nails can hold out a couple more months.

If I get any faves then thankyou so much! <3
Image size
1076x1195px 166.03 KB
© 2012 - 2024 amanda04
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Lu-Liu's avatar
:0 These look fantastic! If I could paint my nails this well, I would be so happy...