
NCC: Zom-Tar, The Necro-Star

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Amanacer-Fiend0's avatar

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New Character Concept: Zom-Tar is a Lucid-Class Oblitus who is mostly found within The Collage Catacombs of Sargasso. Specifically he is found as a companion of Bobby Bosun, being the Straight Man to Bobby's insanity who keeps Bobby from going too wild with his inventions. Zom-Tar has the ability to switch between the two forms you see above, going from a more cartoon-y style to the more menacing version on the right whenever he becomes serious and/or pissed off. Scaring the bejeezus out of Bobby to keep him in line.

As a Lucid-Class Oblitus, Zom-Tar is able to call forth lower class Oblitus to aid him in his battles. Though that doesn't mean that Zom-Tar is a slouch when it comes to fighting on his own, as he can both punch very quickly, roll into a spiked ball and dash towards his opponent and fire a barrage of spikes from his body.

He also carries with him his own weapon called The Zom-Tar Staff. A weapon that he uses as a focal point for when he's calling out his own minions as well as a personal bludgeon when he needs to bash some skulls in or when he needs to beat some sense into Bobby when he goes too far.

So what Forgotten Memory does Zom-Tar represent? Is he the memory of an imaginary friend that Bobby had when he was much younger? Was he a recurring nightmare that kept young Bobby up at night? Is he a memory of a threat from long ago that's connected to Bobby? Is Zom-Tar actually a mix of more than one memory which could explain his ability to switch between forms / art-styles?

Who knows for sure?

Feel free to share your ideas on how this character can be improved down in the comments. :)

EDIT (7/8/2024): Added a new weapon to this character. One that actually was suppose to be his back when he was originally just a random sketch.

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godofmemes3556's avatar

He looks like a digimon, is that me or does everyone else see that?