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"Then the voices of the Ainur, like unto harps and lutes, and pipes and trumpets, and viols and organs, and like unto countless choirs singing with words, began to fashion the theme of Ilúvatar to a great music; and a sound arose of endless interchanging melodies woven in harmony that passed beyond hearing into the depths and into the heights, and the places of the dwelling of Ilúvatar were filled to overflowing.... But as the theme progressed, it came into the heart of Melkor to interweave matters of his own imagining that were not in accord with the theme of Ilúvatar, for he sought therein to increase the power and glory of the part assigned to himself." (Ainulindalë)

This began as concept art for musician Turelinda, who is working on a new Silmarillion-themed album tentatively titled World of Resonance. But as the drawing progressed, I moved further and further away from my initial vision of the Ainur looking like cosmic cloud-like nebulae, and began giving them human forms. (I have very little time to draw or paint, and when I do, I gravitate towards an area I still find very tough - anatomy.)

Nor did I intend to differentiate any of the Valar in this piece when I started. What is important is their unity of voice and purpose, and they are collectively illuminated with the light of the Flame Imperishable. The only one who really was meant to stand out as a rebel is Melkor. In the end, however, I added a few little distinguishing characteristics to some of them. Manwë is the one soaring upwards, closest to the light. Varda is the brightest. Nienna has tears on her cheek. Aulë of course has a beard. Irmo looks as though he is dreaming. For the rest, it's up to you who you think is who... honestly, it doesn't matter. [In fact, if you bother to look carefully enough, you will notice that the pic is short of one vala/valië... I reached a point where the composition felt balanced and I just didn't want to spoil it by squeezing in the last person.]

I enjoyed doing this piece, and completed it a week ago. But I knew it wasn't suitable. Thus I've discarded this concept, have had a very fruitful email discussion with Turelinda where the original vision was clarified and developed further, and I'm now returning to work on the album cover almost from scratch. Turelinda has been amazing to work with - as we discuss, we so often think along the same lines and have the same ideas! I love the new concept. I just hope I'll be able to make it a reality. From now on, I will only have time to work on it intermittently, so it'll be months before it really takes shape. 
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2000x1966px 2.26 MB
© 2019 - 2025 AlystraeaArt
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This is a fantastic illustration. Right now I am working to launch a Youtube channel that explains history of the LoTR and Tolkiens work and I will love to use this image as it is really fantastic. I will of course put you in the credits. Is it possible to use this image and maybe others? Than you a lot and really good job!