ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Deviation Actions
Scroll past the updates if you want to view the original journal post for context.
2/27/2018New Account(s): Kuekuatsu7 & ArtsLobo
I was sent news about the KueKuatsu7 account because someone found this other journal about him--> Call Against Kuekuatsu7
I want to say first and foremost that attacking is not and never has been something I approve of. The journal made by this other person is definitely an attack journal, but I'm citing it here just for the sake of showing the screenshots of conversations with him. I am not encouraging this behavior by linking it here though.
As for the ArtsLobo account, I've had more than one person confirm this one to me privately, but have wished to remain anonymous at the moment. I'll update with a screenshot if it's provided to me, but I have seen the proof for myself. The account itself is pretty obvious anyway. According to the people I talked to, his harassment has only gotten worse and worse.
I was really hoping that if I dropped the subject for a while, that he would fade into obscurity. People were telling me to stop updating and giving him attention and he would stop, but that has clearly proven not to be the case.
New Account: GetRekt07 (Update 9/16/2017: Deactivated)
Cc7 GetRekt07
Myself and several others who frequent this journal have been blocked by this account without prior contact as well.
Also, I apologize for not updating this journal sooner. Life got in the way.
It seems he's been using multiple accounts at the same time nowadays.
New Account(s): SpecialSomepony and FRIENDLY-GH05T (Update 7/27/2017: Both deactivated simultaneously)
Niceguy2 By Persephon Ii-dbh5h8y
Avoid this User and his Mistakes
It seems he's gone back to messaging people who've blocked him with alternate accounts again. I had more than one person confirm the new username.
New Account: IamaNiceGuy (Update 7/20/2017: Deactivated)
Well, we all knew he'd be back sooner or later. The silence was nice while it lasted.
CC7 iamaniceguy note1 CC7 iamaniceguy note2
The profile:
CrimsonColt BS again
Apparently he's had this account for a month now before anyone managed to discover it and send me a note about it, but at least it's out there now.
Sounds like this is his way of trying to make an empty page begging for collaborations look less suspicious....which has the opposite effect.
Also, my account was preemptively blocked before I even knew this account existed. On top of that, all the comments on his page are hidden. Totally not suspicious at all.
New Account: d3t3rminati0n (Update 3/22/2017: Deactivated)
Your Proof
New Account: 5TEEL-WILL (Update 3/10/2017: Deactivated)
NOTE: He actually deactivated while I was sending him notes back and forth. I was trying to reason with him again (which of course never works) and I think he got frustrated because I wasn't allowing him to dodge questions. Copy-Paste Notes with 5TEEL-WILL (It's way too long for me to go to the trouble of screenshotting and stitching the whole thing together.)
5teel-will Screenshot
New Account: WarMong3r (Update 2/6/2017: Deactivated)
CC7 WarMong3r
New Account: SilverSavior52 (Update 1/31/2017: Deactivated)
Trying to reason with Crimson is pointless…
Ex 2
New Account: B1ackWhit3 (Update 1/27/2017: Deactivated)
B1ackwhite3 Evidence
New Account: Rbetw33nW (Update 1/25/2017: Deactivated)
CC7 Rbetw33nW
The link in the screenshot is this…
Anyone who's been here since the beginning of this whole fiasco recognizes those images are the old 'cutie marks' he had on his original profile. All of which were made using stolen artwork, which he openly admitted a while back. He even sold some of them as commissions.
New account: HyperPonyFan (Update 1/9/2017: Deactivated)
New account: Original-Se7eN (Update 1/3/2017: Deactivated)
He added this to the bottom of his wonderful Q&A in the link on his profile:
"Trust me when I say, I don't want to do this anymore than you all do but the fact that I do all of this up until now only proves that I'm very serious about this and I mean DEAD serious, you all (those who owe me) have the option to end this for both me and yourself, but you/they all still insisted on running away from me, changing names, blocking me, heck some even deactivated their account just so they won't do what they owe me but worry not for I have ways of finding you, you all see me nothing more than a nuisances but that only because you lied to me about the Collaborations you've promised to do with me, well, perhaps this will show you how serious I am then about this Collabs, and don't worry, until you've fulfilled your part of the Collabs, I won't forget about you."
" I have ways of finding you"
"I won't forget about you."
He added to the profile:
"My Question's for some of you self-proclaim Artist.
-Why do you become an Artist if you're not willing to Draw ?
-Why do you become a MLP Fans if you're not following it's teaching's ?
-What's makes my Idea any different than the Art's you've made ?"
New Account: R3MIND3R-VII. (deactivated now)
Plus, he re-posted his little Q&A where he insults artists and makes himself out to be a victim and how everyone should cater to his desires.
CrimsonColt7 QA
Along with a little statement on his profile:
"think of me like a mirror which reflects your attitude towards me and I reflect it back towards you, if you don't like how it was reflected back then it's either because I don't like the content's of your statement or it's because of your attitude is so bad that even you yourself don't like it."
He just keeps getting more and more unsettling.
SeaSeaSeven - stalking with a new account
It seems his MoonShield7 account has been deactivated recently. I'm not sure what this means, but we're going to have to keep an eye out. If anyone gets noted by an account using the same language that Crimson always did, I'd recommend waiting to block him until you've gotten links to his folders where he hides pornographic content before reporting them. That's what got him IP banned in the first place.
Finally, his accounts CrimsonColt7 and CCseven have both been BANNED BY ADMINS!!! This is primarily due to the efforts of EyesoreForTheBlind, who took the time to report every single one of his pornographic images (some of which were under-aged) that he had in his
The only sad side of this is that his ban likely had nothing to do with his harassment, art theft, and stalking threats. It makes it feel as if the admins really didn't care or take those situations seriously. However, his accounts are gone, so that's good at least.
Here's a link to the FAQ about Banning and suspension on dA -->
Take a deep breath, this is a LONG post.
There is a guy hunting around deviantArt and has been trying to scam people out of their artwork. He is named CrimsonColt7(I'm trying to avoid tagging him. If he finds this, he has to be searching for it). This guy has an incredibly false sense of entitlement, and if you decline his request, he basically tries to blacklist you on his profile and will harass you.
The point of this is to bring forth a ton of the incriminating evidence of his harassment from other people who have had problems with him. That way, anyone can spread this journal around and hopefully prevent anyone else from falling prey to his scheming.
It will almost always start out exactly like this:
Screencap by scificat
・Asks for a trade/collab ・
・If you tell him to commission instead, he claims he has no access to paypal (lie) ・
・If you accept, he asks for a free request instead ・
・If you decline his request, he will beg you to the point of harassment ・
・He claims his payment is "fame"; something he can't supply ・
・If he sends you his NSFW fanfiction, he claims "Declining is no longer an option" ・
・Blacklists you if you don't comply (in the screencap below) ・
^^^This screencap is outdated, but it still gets the idea across. He's updated it on his profile and added several new people to his list, and also more to the "things about me" right above that.^^^
When I asked him about it, he said...
“They Blocked me to ignored my Existences which Doesn't/Won't change anything, until they fulfilled their part of the promise they're still owe me whether in this lifetime or in the next.”
Possibly the most disturbing part about this sentence is that it sounds like he intends to harass these people for the rest of their lives if he has to, just to get their free artwork.Recently, he added this to his profile:
"IF YOU THINK BLOCKING ME WILL CHANGE ANYTHING, THINK AGAIN !!!!! as long as you're using the Internet, I can/will/have ways of finding you."
I don't know about you guys, but that sounds like something a stalker would say.
DjRaccoonDog asked him about his claim that "paypal is off limits in my country," and got the response: "I'm old school."
Could he possibly be more obvious??
Let me start out by saying that a search of his username comes up with some disturbing results. First you'll find his profile, then some pornographic artwork he scammed out of people, then a bunch of harassment and swindling claims like this one.
This guy seems like he's getting pretty infamous already, but only from the people he's messed with. Just read through the comments on these journals. It's not just Daebelly, so many other people are being bothered by him, it's ridiculous. SleepingEel warned people about him too.
Lesson Learned...maybe?So I got blocked by this guy :iconcrimsoncolt7: because I said no to him multiple times after he begs me to do requests for him and promising fame, even though I clearly said I don't do requests.......huh.....
Oh well, better put up a note saying I don't do requests then.
It would seem he haven't learned his lesson, as he made his new account :iconccseven: so that he can send hate-emails to other people that turned down his offer or made him look bad. You may know that his original account :iconcrimsoncolt7: has been suspended because he harass artists and their friends regardless, for not "respecting his wishes."
Why am I not getting a hate mail from this prick? Does he even know that Luna will never be his lover?
Thanks for spreading the news :iconalyssafoxah:
[IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ!] A slight concernSo, this is more or less a rant journal, or more of a PSA. There is a User on DeviantArt known as CrimsonColt7. Now, you're probably wondering, "what happened to his policy of never mentioning someone he talks ill about?" Well, I just need to say that you should be aware of him and what he's trying to do.
About a week ago at 6:30 in the morning I checked DA and found a note. It was from CrimsonColt7 asking if I was open for requests or an art trade. Since time was tight, I said I could do an Art Trade with him but not a request. He then notified me he could only make cutie marks and logos. I thought to myself, "I could use a logo for a business if I make one," so I accepted that. Then... He rescinds the offer. No explanation, no nothing, as if to say "You know what, I'm going to try to weasel my way to getting a request." He then had the audacity to say that he'd post the 'trade' on his page, somethings I don't generally allow, since it's free booting. I said I'd have to deny the trade
Heck, even just scroll through the comments section of this journal. You'll find a ton of other people have had bad experiences with him.
The above link leads to a conversation with CeeDee23 about this request in which he wants her to make an entire smutty fanfiction of his into a comic book, and he had no intentions of paying her. She denied his request, and he continued to harass her about it, saying she had no choice.
Words from CeeDee23 on this incident:
“No one should be treated this way. It is physically and emotionally scarring to be harassed by someone who doesn’t even value your existence enough to pay for your services. I know I’m not the only one that feels like this, but I want to be the last. He should never be allowed to deceive and threaten artists ever again. See him for what he is and remember that you are worth so much more than what he has done to you. YOU are the artist, and YOU have a say in what you draw and for whom you draw it. Don’t let him, or anyone, take that right away from you.”
So there I was, being faced with a best friend who was being harassed by some guy I'd never met before. I couldn't just let this slide, so I messaged him on his profile about the situation. He deleted the conversation now, but I have the whole thing screencapped here.
Convo with Retardo el Creepo
In this conversation, he states things like:
“I warned them - but their curiosity overpowered them - they brought this upon themself”
Throughout the conversation, he spoke about “warning” these people a total of 6 times, almost as if he had some kind of threats against them for noncompliance. When he was called out for this, he stopped replying and deleted the conversation.He seems to feel some sort of entitlement to other people’s artwork, and he shows no value for any of them as human beings. He is only in this for personal gain and has no sense of responsibility to pay for anything. He makes me sick.
BigDSaster said:
"He is still asking me to do a Hentai for him. Even after i told him, that i don't do Porn stuff. He also want me to do it for free. Which isn't a Big Deal, because i don't desperatly need money. And the Best Part are his words, >>once you know the Story, you can't decline <<.
Seriously, has this guy lost his mind?"
TransmorpherDDS said:
"Hey, CC7 has been messaging me for the past week or so to try and get free art, and he doesn't seem to understand any of my explanations about why I don't want to give him free art. - I'm a porn artist, so he's been pretty explicit in his desire to get NSFW free art from me. Lol every time I use the term "free art" to describe what he expects from me, he deflects my statement by claiming "nothing is free" even though any sane person would interpret that to mean that the product I could potentially give him would be costing me money."
This person also provided me with a conversation through note that they'd had with him, which I saved here
An Anonymous User said:
"Some time ago I do a free request (random choose, I not do all, I put that rule) and when I close free request he send me notes all days , I explain he I will not do because the request are closed but he insisted "decline its not a option" I decide ignore him but one day he spam notes 38-40 notes so I decide block him
sorry for my very bad english xD"
40 notes. He spammed them all day every day, and one day he sent 40 NOTES. It doesn't get much more ridiculous than this.
From what I can tell, he has a habit of spamming and sending hatemail to people who block him by using different accounts.
He has made SEVERAL different accounts, all of which have been listed below. He is not only active on deviantart, but also many other sites such as Tumblr. He's also been known to have accounts on hentai sites as well as furry sites. The usernames listed below are not all dA accounts. This includes any names he's used on any sites that we're aware of.
His known names on the Internet(Updated):
If he messages you:
1) Ignore him. I'd say to block him right away, but there's no guarantees he won't spam message you on a different account.
2) If you decide to answer him, no matter what you do, make sure you NEVER imply that you're considering his request. He takes "consideration" as a promise that you'll do it.
3) Reach out to others. No one should have to put up with what he's doing, and it's VERY likely that you aren't the only one. Feel free to message me about it as well.
As you can see, I take harassment very seriously. I'm determined to put an end to his shenanigans as best as possible. If you've read this far, you might be can one measly journal make a difference?? Well, YOU have the power to help make the change.
If this is circulating on the site, it'll make it infinitely more difficult for him to manipulate others and take advantage of your fellow artists. Also, this is not the only website where he is getting a bad reputation for harassment.
Please keep in mind that is journal is NOT intended as an attack on this individual, no matter how despicable he may be. I am in no way telling you to troll him or harass him in response. Two wrongs don't make a right. If someone chooses to take drastic actions against him after reading this journal, I am not responsible for their behavior. I suggest keeping things civil. All I want is to keep the art community a safe place.
That link leads to all the screenshots and conversations referenced in this post.
Thank you to CeeDee23, TransmorpherDDS, BigDSaster, OkamiMizu, and the anonymous users who directly contributed incriminating evidence for this massive warning journal. Hopefully with our combined efforts, we can make a difference.
Evidence compiled by AlyssaFoxah
Limited Time YCH Halfbody Request Livestream!(OFF)
♥ Click HERE to join the livestream ♥
I'll stream more of this soon! Hoping to do this at least until all YCH slots have been claimed.
I'm trying something new here. I'll be streaming YCH(Your Character Here) requests today for several hours, and those who click the link below and "buy me a coffee" get to request to have their character drawn in the form of a colored halfbody during this stream!
I'm now on Patreon! *updated*
I've been considering making a Patreon account for a while now, and it's finally time! I am officially on Patreon!
(Click the button below to visit my Patreon)
$1 Tier
"Thank you" shout-outs on social media (DeviantART, Instagram, and Facebook) Access to patron-exclusive sketches and artworkEarly access to artwork and projects
$5 Tier
All previous rewards, plus:10% off discount on commissioned work ★ Discounts do not stack up! ★
$10 Tier
All previous rewards, plus:25% off discount on commissioned work ★ Discounts do not stack up! ★
$20 Tier
All previous rewards, plus:
50% off discount on commissioned wo
Livestreaming art~ (OFFLINE)
Thank you to those of you who joined in :)
Click the link to join~
D.Gray-Man OC Random Facts
Lately I noticed a trend of people posting facts/headcanons about their OCs, and I wanted to jump on the bandwagon a bit. However, I have 4 main DGM OCs that I wanted to do this for, and I didn't want to spam 4 journals at once or make one gigantic journal to take up space on my profile. So, I put them all in a Google Document that I can share here.
Click here for DGM OC facts
This is a bit lengthy, but I numbered each fact for each character, so hopefully it's easy enough to navigate for those who want to read them all. All 4 characters are listed, which is Lys Silverton, Riche Krome, Drek Cherresbury, and Jethese Ackers.
If you decide to
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Hopefully, this situation is already irrelevant by this point...
(I mean, the world is actually facing drastically more serious situations right now, but it'll still be a relief if CrimsonColt7 has already given up, never the less)