How I made my -Lightning Returns- boot armorAlysonTabbitha on DeviantArt

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How I made my -Lightning Returns- boot armor



I finished my Lightning Returns boots today!!
I took some progress photos throughout the process & thought it might be help others making armor out of craft foam. It's really lightweight & affordable! (cost me under $10
How I did it:

1:Cut a pattern out of paper.

2:Trace pattern onto craft foam & cut it out.

3:Use stove (or heat gun) to warm up foam so it's moldable for shaping.

4:Trace pattern on poster board or cardstock & glue it under the shaped foam to stabilize it.

Tip: if you need raised edges just hot glue on strips of foam.

5: Glue separate solid pieces together if necessary

6: Coat foam in clear craft glue & let dry.

7: Spray paint base coat (darker color)

8: Paint/detail desired color

9: Attach elastic, velcro, straps, ect.. in desired areas to make it wearable

10: Put it on & look like a badass! ;D
Image size
2686x2409px 1.23 MB
Canon PowerShot SX40 HS
Shutter Speed
1/13 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Dec 7, 2013, 3:35:05 PM
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© 2014 - 2025 AlysonTabbitha
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JoyBundle012's avatar
So simple! Thank you! I'm trying to make Mileena's boots from Mortal Kombat for my cosplay in my own style (and on my budget). This is a huge help, thanks so much! :hug: