Advanced planet creationalyn on DeviantArt

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Advanced planet creation



My next big project unveiled, and something for the watchers.

I get about at least a note a day asking me how I create planets, that mostly brought on by Icarus's Wish. There's only so many times you can redirect people to Greg Martin's and Dinyctis's tutorials before thinking, "can't I show them my own way?". Greg Martin's Capturing Heaven tutorial gave me the kick up the arse I needed. His profound words relating to the complexity of planets, and how they're simply not given enough love in their creation for the majority of artists stirred me, and hence I've written this.

Every page comes with a snippet of science theory behind it, from my on meagre understanding of the subject (I've tried to ensure that I know at least a bit about what I'm preaching, please inform me of any mistakes and if you are correcting me, make sure you're correct too). Knowing the subject definitely helps you on the way to bettering your techniques.
Every page also comes with some related links to other tutorials on the subject, and some general tips to help you and give you ideas.

Contents -

Index -> Texture construction and introduction
Application -> Texture application
Lighting -> Planet lighting techniques and styles
Clouds -> Cloud creation and ideas.
Rings -> Planet rings
City lights -> City light ideas
Conclusion -> integration of your planet and conclusion.

7 Pages packed with info, spread over 3 weeks of drafting, writing, refining.

Even if you're pretty confident with your abilities in space art, I urge you to at least give it a runthrough. Why? you might learn something, little tricks and tips that you hadn't thought of.

Advanced critique encouraged, why? - if you think something could be improved in its wording or anything in any way... incorrect info or whatever, then go for it. Don't try and rewrite the techniques, but feel free to offer helpful suggestions, I'm all ears.

this will be available on the web sometime in the very near future, just sorting out with some very kind volunteers some hosting arrangements.

---- edit

Tutorial now online, but please read the notice above the links.
© 2004 - 2025 alyn
aluthin's avatar
Brilliant Guide..... just not enough time in the day to practise though lol
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