alyn's avatar


Alien Hunter
252 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (312)
Former Volunteer
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
My Bio

My name is Alyn Hunter, and I'd love to do this for a living.

I am currently re-building my portfolio, and working on a big new artwork.

Stay tuned.

Current Residence: Cardiff, South Wales, UK
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Small
Print preference: N/A
Favourite genre of music: Prog/Metal
Favourite style of art: Fantasy, photo-manipulation, digi-painting.
Operating System: Windows 7 x64

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Opeth, Porcupine Tree, Animals as Leaders, Nile
Favourite Games
Team Fortress 2, CounterStrike Source
Tools of the Trade
Adobe Suites, Canon 300d
Other Interests
Anything creative.


0 min read
So apparently I make music now.  For anyone who's interested : you're all still doing awesome :)
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0 min read
I'm ashamed to say I'm pretty sure I almost forgot my log-in details.  Good job there.Anyway turns out the lovely folk here have featured Evolution on facebook, and for that I am grateful.  Although now I feel bad for having been so slow lately on the art front.  Since it's been such a long time since my last post though, I better update a little.I now have work, have done for over a year now.  It's not graphic orientated work but I can pay my bills and fill my face with food - these are important things.  Settled and starting to rebuild after redundancy and a whole bunch of dramatic life stuff that I didn't really need but hey-ho...  Grow...
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Sooooo...Things have taken a slight set-back.  Last week I was made redundant, ergo I no longer have a job, no routine source of income, and my life for the next x-weeks is going to be filling in job-seeking/redundancy related forms and dispensing Curriculum Vitae's to anybody with hands to receive them.  Obviously, this takes priority over anything I can do here... I need to eat.Yay recession.  Anybody with serious job/design offers, drop me an e-mail, I won't be frequenting here much until I'm back on my feet again (not that I was frequenting much anyway...)Back soon.
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Profile Comments 8K

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this dude is a legend

i was just a kid with a computer, terragen, a pirated copy of photoshop, and alyn was god. i had premium on my original account way back, it showed recent visitors to a page... somehow this man once clicked on mine. i literally told my parents, classmates, and teachers about it.


Same! His old terraspace art inspired me to create a bunch of it, although I got rid of my old account long ago...

:bulletgreen: :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: :bulletred: :bulletorange: :bulletyellow: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :bulletyellow: :bulletorange: :bulletred: :bulletpurple: :bulletblue: :bulletgreen:

:heart: :huggle: :heart:

:star: Hey there, have a happy birthday! :love: I hope your day goes well! :star:
Happy birthday! Cake by Sinister-Starfeesh
:woohoo: :party: :iconcakelickplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconcakelickplz: :party: :woohoo:

It's April 17th which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love:

Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: UndertakerMichaelis
 Scalpel (Left)Tini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeTini Vintage Syringe
       bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces Eyeball  bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
       bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesTini Cleaver (Right)  Tini Preserved Heart Moving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 icon  Broken Heart  Moving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 icon  Tini Preserved Heart Tini Cleaver (Left)bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
       bunch of smiley facesPill AvatarMoving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 icon Virtual Retro LED - HVirtual Retro LED - AVirtual Retro LED - PVirtual Retro LED - PVirtual Retro LED - Y Moving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 iconPopsiclebunch of smiley faces
  GHOST HEART Moving Eyeballs Cake 50x50 iconVirtual Retro LED - BVirtual Retro LED - IVirtual Retro LED - RVirtual Retro LED - TVirtual Retro LED - HVirtual Retro LED - DVirtual Retro LED - AVirtual Retro LED - YMoving Eyeballs Cake 50x50 icon GHOST HEART 
Tini Vintage Syringe leftTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeScalpel (Right)