Fabulous Friday Feature 22 (a day late cuz I suck) by AzizrianDaoXrak, journal
Fabulous Friday Feature 22 (a day late cuz I suck)
:thumb128791980::thumb66510705:Greetings, all, and welcome to my twenty-secondFABULOUS FRIDAY FEATURE
If you've got someone you think should be featured in next Friday's Feature, I'd love it if you would send me a note with a link to the deviation in question and I'll take a peek ;) I'd also love to hear about other features, particularly themed ones. I'll list those in the bottom section to help spread the word! The same goes for contests or news articles!Please favorite this journal and pass it on! And if you liked this feature, be sure to check out the one from last week: http://azizriandaoxrak.deviantart.com/journal/Fabulous-Friday-Fea...
I'm so happy to inform you about my wedsite! I've been waiting for it for a very loooooong time))
Please, visit it! i need your opinion and support ^O^http://varzina.me/Thank you!
I have featured a piece from your beautiful gallery here: [link] Keep up the inspiring work, I was rooting for you on DigitalRev, and I couldn't be happier that you won.