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Alumx's avatar

A simpler life



Another doodle that fleshed itself into existence! 

Summer is right at the door, and there's something wonderful about relaxing in a cool place, well sheltered from summer heat, but still with some of that sun keeping it just warm and comfy.
I really liked how it came out, the feel and the concept worked out pretty well.
The only things that bugs me is the fact that entire piece might be too dark. Though I aimed for something chiaroscuro style... oh well, tell me what you think!

Gosh I love painting Celestia with flowers <3

***add info***
2h 30m

***update v1***
-fixed floating towel
-Rendered something interesting for celestia to gaze upon on the other side of window
-Added more banana flavouring to biscuits 
-extra TLC for plate ambient occlusion and not copy/pastiness

***update v2***
featured in EQD's Morning Discussion #522
featured in EQD's Drawfriend Stuff #1920
Image size
3799x5067px 6.22 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Alumx
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