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Althalnos's avatar
So I haven't updated in a while as I've been super busy with graduate school. I've actually picked up photography as another hobby of mine after getting a very nice camera for Christmas (*´∀`*) ♡. I'm still doing perler bead art, but lately they haven't been turning out consistently due to my iron being terrible. I'm going to have to pick up a new one next payday hopefully. As for this new hobby of mine, I've started doing anime figure photography. I actually have a ton of figures, but my cell phone camera just didn't cut it. So after getting my new camera, I've decided to start taking nice photographs of them and sharing them online. I'm going to be uploading them occasionally as I take them, so expect to see them here soon. Also expect to see more of my perler bead art soon once I get a better iron that doesn't horribly melt them.

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