Stock Rules - UPDATED

3 min read

Deviation Actions

ALP-Stock's avatar
:bulletblue: Rules for using my stock :bulletblue:

:bulletgreen: Note me if you use.

:bulletgreen: Credit me by posting a link to my gallery or to the specific image you've used in the description of your work.

:bulletgreen: If you want to use my stock outside of deviantART you must first ask for my permission

:bulletgreen: The only commercial use allowed for my stock is deviant Prints, if you would like to use them in other commercial purposes you must receive my written permission

:bulletgreen: My stock may not be used in offensive, racist, violent, dark images, with sexual content or nudity. This also includes macabre or horror art which is a big NO for this stock account. Also, no witchcraft, wizardry or magic are admitted.

:bulletgreen: My stock may not be used to create other stock.

:bulletgreen: If special rules are mentioned in the image/pack's description than these rules add to those mentioned above and must be respected as well.

:bulletblue:  :bulletgreen:  :bulletred:

:bulletblue: I take stock requests and any suggestions you might have are welcome.

Prints Permission
I hereby grant permission to all deviants to use my stock in their prints, as long as the images are manipulated.


:bulletred: Respect people's dignity when creating art from their stock!

:bulletgreen: Big NOs for my stock:
  • NO offensive or racist images
    • NO violent, macabre, horror images
      • NO sexual content or nudity
        • NO witchcraft, wizardry or magic
          • NO anthro

            In a word, please stick to realistic works with a positive attitude. :)

            Any educational use of my stock is allowed at any time. :)

My main account:
© 2008 - 2024 ALP-Stock
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I am absolutely fascinated by the beautiful textures, colours, and lovely design.
I would like to ask if I may use this work as a background image of concert flyer.
Thank you for your amazing work!