Im just your typical horror-movie fanatic, video game loving, cosplay addict, artistic photographer, and literary lover of a girl, with big big dreams.
Sweet Ocelot
Laughing Beauty (I want a full Beauty group ;^; )
The Boss
Yes! I can't wait to cosplay/take pictures of cosplays!
Yes! I am excited for contests like the costume contest, holiday runway, or dance cover contest!
Yes! I'm ready to attend the dances like the Benefit Ball, Holiday Rave, etc!
Yes! I can't wait to enter/watch other contests like the AMV, Secret Santa, and such!
Yes! I am pumped to attend the maid cafe, pepermint palor, and/or the naughty vs nice challenge!
Yes! But for panels!
Yes but for none of these things! (Comment!)
No Im not going! D: