Batman by Sean Gordon MurphyAlonsoEspinoza on DeviantArt

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AlonsoEspinoza's avatar

Batman by Sean Gordon Murphy



I just can't resist to color this excellent Batman. My colors over the amazing artwork of the master *seangordonmurphy

Hope you all enjoy, fellas!

The original:

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790x1200px 837.67 KB
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Jaebird88's avatar
Not to be "that guy", but I feel as though the bloom-effect is bit too much in some areas.

Don't get me wrong. Kindergartners can color better than me. Its just something that stood out the most, in my opinion. And I won't say it's anything bad. You did an excellent job on Batman, what with the different levels of shading. The glowie bits were the first to grab my attention is all.

Sorry for rambling like this =P