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AloiInTheSky's avatar

Mourning for Charlie Hebdo [I am Charlie]



I had to draw something about the terrible gun attack that killed several very well-known French cartoonists today :'-(((
My whole country is mourning...

Here is my drawing of all them five cartonists killed that day
Thanks for all [Je suis Charlie] - UPDATED by AloiInTheSky 
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© 2015 - 2024 AloiInTheSky
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madmadoran's avatar
I still can't believe there are people to say they asked for it. That's probably the most depressing thing of it all... What happened is just extremely sad, absurd, unbelievable and, to be honest, it's hard to realize such horror really did happen in France... Such a loss of great talents. 17 innocents killed... I hope it's not gonna rise and the jogger will get better soon. There is an emergency in this country. We really need to educate children at a young age and teach them the basics of human values and tolerance and if we don't, then, I don't know where we're going.

For the record, I wasn't a reader of Charlie Hebdo, but I grew up with Cabu and had a particular fondness for Charb's funny characters (and the way he would often defend animal rights and denounce human stupidity). The cartoonists were all well known from other publications as well. They were talented! I like your tribute, but you should add something for Honoré -he deserves it too!

RIP to every victim of this absurdity :(

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