I love drawing, painting and writing to express my feelings~
I'm madly in love with Sasuke and Madara Uchiha, so that my gallery is full of them~
If you were to dig deeper and deeper in my gallery, you'll see art of my older loved ones: Ben Solo, Winston Churchill, MyCroft Holmes, Lee Pace as himself, as Thranduil and Joe MacMillan, Leonard Nimoy as himself and Spock.
I have anxiety disorder and suffer from recurrent depression.
I'm also officially on the autistic spectrum (Asperger's syndrom ^^).
So please be kind to me, or endure my wrath XD
Hey AloilnTheSky. Just wanted to say thank you for favoriting several artworks of mine.
You're so welcome :) You're such a supporting friend, I thought I needed to give your gallery some love *hugs you back*
thanks for the fave.