Pixar's Up My Adventure bookAlmightyGingerOne on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/almightygingerone/art/Pixar-s-Up-My-Adventure-book-268486214AlmightyGingerOne

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Pixar's Up My Adventure book



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This is an adventure book that I made for my friends 21st,. It took about a month to make and cost me about £5 (mainly on glue!) ...everything else I used I found around the house, garden or I made. or just already had (I hoard shit ^-^)

For some reason the bit I like the most is the fake leather on the cover...yey go brown parcel paper =D

If you want to know how any of it was made just give me a shout =)

Someone sent me a note asking how I made this and I ended up typing an essay so I thought I'd stick what I wrote for them on here as well so it's there if anyone wants it... and can make sense of it!


2x A3 5mm thick board (I actually used the back and front off an old sketch book)
2x A3 coffee stained paper
spray gloss
2x Red fabric needs to at least 4inches wide and 16 inches long (or red felt if you want)
black felt
teddy stuffing
roll of brown parcel paper
leather cord
hole puncher
foam sheets (right colours for the writing)
Little globe picture
water colour paints – burnt umber, burnt sienna, sap green and white
GLUE!! =P the glue I used was bostik all purpose adhesive and pva in some places but use what ever you think sticks best.
oh and a piece of masking tape

A3 descent quality sheets of paper(how ever many you want!)
hair dryer! (seriously sucks if you do it without one)
Photo corners
Masking tape or sellotape
Photo paper and a printer
bits and bobs to stick in - I used: flowers and leaves that I picked out of my garden and pressed in between the pages of a heavy book for a week or two, peacock, pigeon, pheasant and colourful craft feathers, old stamps, 1p, 2p, half crown and a Roman (fake) coin,a postcard and a map of south America that I found on ebay. Badges I made out of felt to resemble the wilderness explorer badges. Piece of sheet music. Parcel string. I also drew the childish drawings from the credits and from ellies part of the adventure book also that parrot thingy because I couldn't find a good image of it or something to use as a substitute. Fabric and ribbon to fill up some space ^_^

and finally the photos, images and tickets from the film!

Part 1

1. cut a 3 inch wide strip off one edge of a 5mm board (I'm going to name the smaller piece 'A' and the bigger 'B'
2. line the two pieces back up leaving about a 5mm gap and glue a long piece of felt on the front and back to create a hinge
3. on part B glue a coverage of teddy stuffing up to roughly about 1 or 2 inches from the edges (you don’t really have to do this but I thought it made it look more..booky? *shrugs*)

Part 2

1. take two pieces of brown parcel paper (make them a longer than A3 as they have to be folded round onto the backside of the boards) This part was really trial and error for me and I made it up as I went along so you may not get the same results but... scrunch up the paper, then flatten it out (but not totally) then using a mixture of the water colours (mainly burnt umber) I brushed on a strong but watery layer.
2. Let it dry ( I got impatient and used a hair dryer :D)
3. repeat this process by scrunching it each time it's dry and adding colour though make it a little less watery each time (be careful though at the paper gets weaker in the fold each time you crumple it and you may end up with little holes) what you want to be doing is building up darker colours in the creases
4. when I was happy with the way it looked I gave it one last light scrunch and lightly dry brushed the umber over the creases (the paint had hardly any water just enough to get it on the brush so it was quite thick)
5. let it dry
6. then do an even lighter dry brush with some white that s had a little bit of brown added in
7. let it dry
8. smooth it out a little
9. then put 2 or 3 coats of spray gloss on it (or until it looks good enough for you)
10. hopefully you now have two pieces of paper that in a dim light and if you squint kinda could resemble leather :P or you could buy that sticky back pleather stuff..whatever is easier! :D

Part 3

1. you want to cover the two boards with the “leather”, using the best looking on the one with the hinge as that's the front cover.
2. Fold and glue the excess paper round onto the backside of the board
3. on both pieces of board you need to put two holes for the leather cord to go through, I marked these out with a piece of note pad paper (you know where they have holes in the margin) and lined it up and marked where the punched holes where
4. then using a ridiculously blunt hole punch and all my might I punched the four holes ( two on each)
5. using the red fabric (or felt) you need to fold one edge over and ether sew, glue or tape it so it stays folded
6. place it on the front so that it fully covers part A of the front piece comes over the hinge onto part B for about a 1cm or so (or just until it looks right)
7. mark where the hold are underneath
8. cut the holes out of the fabric
9. glue it back into place (making sure it lines up with the holes)
10. fold the excess round onto back side and glue
11. using the A3 coffee stained paper you want to cover the backside so that the excess “leather” and fabric is now covered and it looks all neat... umm so it looks like you've stuck the first page of a book to it's cover (hope that made sense!)
12. do the same with both pieces of board
13. You then want to cut out the letters in the correct colour foam sheet ( I suggest making a card or paper pattern, cutting them out then flip them over and trace the out line onto the foam that way when you cut it out the pen markings are on the back)
14. stick'em to the front cover (I'm sure you know what order =P) then put on your globe.
15. When you've finished Part 4 (further on down the page) then you want to thread the leather cord into one hole going through the paper (you may need to do each sheet individually) and out through the other side
16. cut 4 circles out of the black felt and ether cut a small circle or a + in the middle of it.
17. Thread one on ether side of the leather cord and glue them to the red fabric to finish off the raw holes in the red fabric
18. thread another circle on the cord sticking out the back and leave it for now
19. then thread the end of the cord sticking out the back through the other hole so it comes out the front
20. before pulling it tight glue that extra felt circle from number 18 to the fabric ( you may also want to add some glue to each page on the bits that will be underneath piece A of the front cover)
21. finally thread the fourth felt circle onto the cord sticking out the front and stick it
22. then you know... bow it

Part 4

Possibly the easiest but most mind numbing part ( for me at least)

Really all this part is

1. coffee stain the back and front of each piece of paper that you want to use (dry the first side before doing the back... that's where the hair dryer come in =D)
2. Put 2 holes in each piece of paper so that they correspond with the ones on the front and back cover
3. decorate the pages (make sure you don't put anything that's going to be underneath the hinge-ie bit)
4. also I'd put a wee smidgen of glue on the back of the photos even if your using the photo corners, because mine kept popping out and in the end I had to glue them.
5. Arrange them in the correct order and then go back to step 15 part 3!
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