fishy islandalltelleringet on DeviantArt

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alltelleringet's avatar

fishy island


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I came up with the idea about 6 months ago in the end of 2008 but I realized it just a few weeks ago. It was a bit frustrating since I knew that I had to wait until the summer to be able to carry it out. This is one of my most well planned creations and it took some time to find the places I needed. The photo consists of photos from 6 different places. There is a slightly bigger version on my web site:

I would be happy to hear your thoughts about it.

Edit: This has sadly been used as a cd-cover slightly modified for a italian band without my permission.
Image size
700x466px 223.66 KB
© 2009 - 2025 alltelleringet
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mycalsee's avatar

Look at this post: 😳 creative re-creation? 🤔