Air Gliderallbuffeatmeat on DeviantArt

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allbuffeatmeat's avatar

Air Glider



Sura, with his trusty board, glides in the air and controls the wind. He wears a goggle and a scarf so that his identity would be safe. Gliding in midair is dangerous for the eyes, so, safety first. It can be cold in the air, so, the scarf to keep himself warm.

This is fo a competition. Hope I can still make it OTZ
Character belongs to :iconmuslim-manga:
Image size
1227x1345px 1.37 MB
© 2014 - 2025 allbuffeatmeat
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PiNkDuRoQa's avatar
Cool design..!! I love how you added the safety precautions..!! It's like every piece is for something..!!
i rarely do that.. good job....!!!!!