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{Torimori} Appearance - what they look like?



Sprite Rip: Leafy Sprouts Sprite Rip: Roots Sprite Rip: Leafy Sprouts 
Sprite Rip: Twig Species Info | Appearance The Power | All Tori UpgradesSprite Rip: Twig 

Sprite Rip: Wooden Right Sign 

Sprite Rip: Wooden Notice Board 
'How to distinguish a torimori from not torimori?'
'How to make torimori?'
'How to draw torimori?'
'How to make tori 100% without any special 'powers'?'
(because you can't create a tori with AP by using MYO ticket only)
Well, it's pretty simple! ♪ 

To make a torimori - just think about bat or bird character. What can they have in nature? Small ears or maybe peacock tail? Long legs? Everything is fine! Can they wear some clothes? I think yes, so this is not something special too. Their feathers can contain some sort of gems, flowers, cookies and so on? I think yes because as a last resort we can use a glue to combine fur with something, lol :D So this is not a power too.
But if your tori have something unnatural, magical - probably this one has awakened power or this is not tori at all. All list of upgrades available now you can find here: Awakening Power, Tori Upgrades, but most of them will be added in future, so that's why we recommend you show a reference of your MYO tori to Alisenokmice first, to avoid some bad situations and disappointment!

If you still unsure - you can use this:
Ears/Head | Neck/Breast Back/Body | Wings Tail Legs
Everything in green circles is 100% allowed!

Now - good luck with creating your own tori!
I hope this guide makes things cleaner!
Sprite Rip: Hallow Log 

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