Alis86 on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

March 16, 2008
Awash in both brights and pastels, Triumph by *Alis86 is filled with texture and exuberant, abstract energy. Surprisingly, it also succeeds in retaining a fresh springtime lightheartedness that makes it a fractal triumph, to be sure!
Featured by Sophquest
Alis86's avatar




Triumph of colours...
done during a boring and grey hour...

fractals, again... Ultra Fractal 4 + Photoshop for the frame

Colours are really strong I know... Just need something different!

Now the print is really really avaiable... sorry for the late and the repost, but there were problems with the upload of the image... it's all ok now!

[EDIT] Print really Avaiable Now, I'm sorry for the late, but it seems that 2 gb of memory weren't enough to save it!
Real size of the image: 7200x10800 px...

Thank you so much for all the comments and fav's I've juste received now!

[EDIT AGAIN] Thank you so much `Sophquest for featuring this piece as a DD!!! [/EDIT]

Thank you all for your comments and favs!!!

Featured here: [link]
Image size
600x900px 789.17 KB
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xXxKellisxXx's avatar
I have come across this again after a number of years and was struck that I would absolutely LOVE this as a design for a duvet/eiderdown cover+pillowcase set haha. Beautiful xx