Celebrating Deviousness - January 2022 by team, journal
Celebrating Deviousness - January 2022
In Recognition of Exemplary Membership and an Outstanding Spirit of helpfulness and mentoring within the DeviantArt community
January 2022's Deviousness Award Recipient: @telthona
Reciprocity, the act of equally giving what you take, is @telthona’s super power. A deviant for almost two decades, she has grown within DeviantArt and benefited from community feedback and direction. Now she is a titan in her field and creating incredible concepts for a plethora of big name companies and she still makes time to comment, mentor and share with others. Her talent equals to her kindness and we are excited to award @telthona with Deviousness for January 2022.
Hi everybody! My name is Sandra Duchiewicz, but people on the internet might know me as Telthona! I joined DeviantArt in 2003 - I stumbled upon digital art for the first time here, in this teal community - which means that DA deeply inspired me and was a source of my fascination with digital painting. This platform was incredibly