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ALINAFMdotRO's avatar

Happy Easter!



I don't usually celebrate religious holidays, but this year I started to feel like I'd like to do some traditional stuff, even if they have something to do with religion. After all, holidays are all about family and good food. :D And if we want to teach Gemma things about all religions we could very well start with the one we've been raised into. ^_^

So for Easter I decided to make a bit of traditional Romanian food: red eggs, ciorbă de miel (sour lamb soup) and cozonac ( ).

For now I only made the eggs. I used the traditional method: I dyed them using red and yellow onion leaves! :la: And I got the patters using leaves from some random plants. :D It was really fun to do and it was my first time! I used a recipe I found online. Next year I will try to improve it and get a brighter red. :D

The cozonac will be the biggest challenge as it is quite tricky to make. The soup is easy to make... lamb meat is pretty expensive though! So I will only make a little. :D

Do you use a natural method to color the eggs? Do you color eggs at all? :D In your family are there any special foods you eat on Easter?

Hugs! :love:
Image size
1600x1200px 299.19 KB
Canon PowerShot A800
Shutter Speed
1/50 second
Focal Length
7 mm
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Date Taken
Apr 20, 2014, 2:52:18 PM
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© 2014 - 2024 ALINAFMdotRO
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kutiska's avatar
I use the same method. Easy and sooo good looking :) Try red onion. We celebrate it like you-good food and family, no religion but who cares? It´s important to spend time together! :)