Support Your Ship - C+LAlimoey on DeviantArt

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Support Your Ship - C+L



Well here's a "button" for you to proudly display (or look at, which ever works ^^;) saying that you support Carson and Laura. :love: I love the couple - they're so cute together :giggle:

I hope Carson looks like Carson - I never drew him before so I'm a little nervous. ^^; I love Laura's hair! It took a while and although I'm sure you can't see it she has so many individual strands.

So here's it is I hope you enjoy it. I have a quick thank you to for helping by giving me the idea - the original idea was a poster saying "Real Men support their 'ships" But I ended up changing it while drawing it. So thank you for the idea that turned into this! :glomp:

There's a few more to come - John/Elizabeth, Ronon/Teyla, and maybe Rodney/Laura (mainly because I have the funniest chibi pose in mind) So I hope you like the mini-collection when they come up.

:thanks: Thank you for looking at it!

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343x346px 72.62 KB
© 2006 - 2025 Alimoey
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HyperCaz's avatar
love it :D I was just wondering if you would let me link to this from a thumbnail on my Beckett/Cadman fansite, as well as your other one (the very amusing comic), with full credit. I don't mind if you say no. :D