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This easy guide is meant to help you all know how to evolve your current Faering Familiar! I've done my best to keep it simple!
Evolutions for Faering Familiars will be posted only on Saturdays, and a Familiar can only stand a chance of evolution for 24 hours. When an evolution appears in Avalon, it will be posted as an image similar to this as an art submission in the Faerings group:
In the description of the Familiar Evolution, it will tell you which Familiar it evolves from. You must have the original Familiar it evolves from to participate. If you do not have the original Familiar, you cannot attempt to evolve that Familiar. It will also tell you what the rarity is of the new form. It will look like this in the description:
Type: Arcane
Rarity: Mythic
Evolved From: Jewelabee
There will also be a number in parentheses next to the title. That number is the amount of evolutions that are available. So, if there is a 3 next to the title, that means 3 people are guaranteed to successfully evolve their Familiar!
Now, in order to attempt to evolve your current Familiar, you have a few options available to you. First and foremost, you must have a registered Faering AND own the Familiar required to make the evolution, but besides that, you can use items up your chances!
Evolutions for Faering Familiars will be posted only on Saturdays, and a Familiar can only stand a chance of evolution for 24 hours. When an evolution appears in Avalon, it will be posted as an image similar to this as an art submission in the Faerings group:
In the description of the Familiar Evolution, it will tell you which Familiar it evolves from. You must have the original Familiar it evolves from to participate. If you do not have the original Familiar, you cannot attempt to evolve that Familiar. It will also tell you what the rarity is of the new form. It will look like this in the description:
Type: Arcane
Rarity: Mythic
Evolved From: Jewelabee
There will also be a number in parentheses next to the title. That number is the amount of evolutions that are available. So, if there is a 3 next to the title, that means 3 people are guaranteed to successfully evolve their Familiar!
Now, in order to attempt to evolve your current Familiar, you have a few options available to you. First and foremost, you must have a registered Faering AND own the Familiar required to make the evolution, but besides that, you can use items up your chances!
- A registered Faering
- Already own the base Familiar (the Familiar that evolves into the higher form).
When you're ready to try and evolve your Familiar, all you have to do is copy and paste the Evolution Form found in the description of the Evolved Familiar into the comments. Fill it out and cross your fingers! Your posted Evolution Form should look like this:
Faering attempting the evolution: (Link to your Fae's registration form; MANDATORY)
Your Familiar you are trying to evolve: (MANDATORY)
Optional item: (Like kind items only! You do not need to use an item)
And that's it! If you don't want to use or don't have items leave that sections blank or write N/A.
An evolution spell is only available in Avalon for a short amount of time: 24 hours. At the end of the 24 hours, the attempted evolvers will be entered into a randomized system with items and taken into account. The number of available evolutions will then be given to those winners!
IF AN EVOLUTION IS SUCCESSFUL, THE EVOLVED FORM WILL REPLACE YOUR BASE FAMILIAR. For example, if you were successful in evolving your Jewelabee into a Jewelara, the Jewelara replaces your Jewelabee. You will not have both available to you!
It's that easy! Happy evolving, everyone!
- Familiar Items
- Familiar items are able to be gathered in the Faering Foraging Realms by already tamed Familiars. Items are type specific, and can only be used on the appropriate wild Familiars that match the item's type. For a full list of items and the familiars they are appropriate for, you can go here: Faering Familiar Items Index.
- Items have different rarities, and some are more effective toward an evolution, while others are less effective. BUT! All items that are type-appropriate help increase your chance of evolving your Familiar.
- You can only use items that you have in your inventory.
- You can only use ONE item in your evolution attempt.
When you're ready to try and evolve your Familiar, all you have to do is copy and paste the Evolution Form found in the description of the Evolved Familiar into the comments. Fill it out and cross your fingers! Your posted Evolution Form should look like this:
Faering attempting the evolution: (Link to your Fae's registration form; MANDATORY)
Your Familiar you are trying to evolve: (MANDATORY)
Optional item: (Like kind items only! You do not need to use an item)
And that's it! If you don't want to use or don't have items leave that sections blank or write N/A.
An evolution spell is only available in Avalon for a short amount of time: 24 hours. At the end of the 24 hours, the attempted evolvers will be entered into a randomized system with items and taken into account. The number of available evolutions will then be given to those winners!
IF AN EVOLUTION IS SUCCESSFUL, THE EVOLVED FORM WILL REPLACE YOUR BASE FAMILIAR. For example, if you were successful in evolving your Jewelabee into a Jewelara, the Jewelara replaces your Jewelabee. You will not have both available to you!
It's that easy! Happy evolving, everyone!
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