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Faering Foraging Realms {OPEN}




The Foraging Realms are believed to be where all Faering Familiar Pets originate from. It is here that Familiars can forage for goods to bring home to their Faerings.


There will no longer be profession items! Due to a lack of time, inspiration, and the complexity of the crafting system, crafting items are no longer forageable in the Realms. Instead, Faecoins will be easier to find! Crafting items can be exchanged starting on Sunday, the 20th of May, 2018 for Faecoins in the Familiars and Items Exchange Center. Please see details there starting on Sunday. Good luck, and happy foraging!

Rules and Guidelines

  • The gateway to the Foraging Realms only opens on Sundays, and closes again at the end of the day on Wednesdays. Familiars can bring home goodies anytime between Sunday and Thursday morning!
  • Fill out the Foraging Form found below, and post it in the comments under the current Sunday date.
  • You may turn in your Foraging Form any time between Sunday and Wednesday. If you turn in a Foraging Form on Thursdays, it will be rejected.
  • Only REGISTERED Faerings are able to send their Familiars away on foraging quests.
  • You are only able to send Familiars that you own. You cannot send someone else's Familiar, and you are not allowed to try and apply bogus Familiars to foraging quests.
  • Only a maximum of four familiars per Deviant (not per Faering!are allowed to forage during the times in which the gateway is open. 

    • You may use between 1-4 Faerings each week to send out their owned familiars. Remember, you can only send out a maximum of 4 familiars, each week, and they MUST all be different types (Creature, Arcane, Undead, Elemental)! You cannot send two of the same type out.

    • If you're using the same Faering to send out multiple Familiars, you are only able to send a maximum 2 familiars out for that Fearing each week. Please do not try to submit more than two Familiars for a single Faering!

  • Familiars are only able to forage in the realm that is attributed to their type. Realm types are found below.

  • Please link to the deviation of the familiar with its original name (Noctua, Charmeen, etc), NOT the name you have given it.   This makes it easier and less of a hassle to figure out what realm you're foraging in and with what familiar since some increase your chances at more rare items! We like to get the rolls done as quickly and efficiently as possible and having to figure out what the names link to takes time out of moving quickly.
  • Rarer Familiars sent on foraging quests have a higher chance of bringing back rarer items.
  • On Thursday mornings, your Familiars will return from the Foraging Realms with their goodies! For a list of items your Familiar might bring home, make sure you read the Faering Familiar Items Index. Along with those finds, your Familiars might bring home Faecoins, or a wild Familiar it befriended and tamed for you! Familiars will only bring back 1 item from the Foraging Realms.
  • DO NOT complain about the items your Familiar brings back. It is completely randomized with rarity of Familiars taken into account. A Common Familiar will not be as likely to bring home Mythic items.

Realm Types

  • White Woods
    • Home of Creature Familiars. Only Creatures are allowed to forage here.
  • Bleak Wastes
    • Home of Undead Familiars. Only the Undead are allowed to forage here.
  • Earthwind Plateau
    • Home of Elemental Familiars. Only Elementals are allowed to forage here.
  • Starlight Hills
    • Home of Arcane Familiars. Only those gifted in the Arcane are allowed to forage here.

    Foraging Form

    Faering sending the Familiar(s): {Link to your Faering's Registration Sheet}
    Familiar(s) going foraging: {Link to your Familiar(s) Remember to NOT use the name you've given it, but the actual species name (Noctua, Charmeen, etc)!}
    Realm(s) being foraged: {Remember that your Familiar can only forage in the realm that fits their type!}

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    © 2017 - 2024 AlimareEmpire
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    Coffeedreamss's avatar
    Foraging Realms are OPEN once again!  Tonight until 05/16/2019 or 16/05/2019 depending on your country you can send a faering out foraging!

    ***Please Read.  New Foraging Rules!***
    A maximum of 4 familiars can be sent out, 1 for each type.
    2. Your faerings may still send out 2 familiars each but only different types (Creature, Arcane, Undead, Elemental) NOT two of the same type.
    3. Please link to the deviation of the familiar with it's original name(Noctua, Charmeen, etc), not the name you have given it.   This makes it easier and less of a hassle to figure out what realm you're hunting in and with what familiar since some increase your chances at more rare items!  I like to get the rolls done as quickly and efficiently as possible and having to figure out what the names link to takes time out of moving quickly.

    MYOS are available for this weeks foraging!