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San Francisco, Fireworks



A 4th of July classic, fireworks, in San Francisco over Bay...

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thanks a lot for your comments and interest.
about how I made it:
I also made a research before going out there.
I used following conditions:
1) Tripod and cable release,
2) Manual focus,
3) Lowest ISO, 200 on my D300,
4) F8 or F11. This range was good.
5) S, 3-4 seconds. I was holding the shutter with a cable release in bulb mode (it keeps then shutter open as much as you hold it) and was either capturing the fireworks from start till they fade away or I was counting about 3-4 seconds and stopping capture.
I used a 18-200 mm Nikkor lens. I was away from the crowd and therefore used mostly around 100-150 mm. I find a spot also having the water in between fireworks and me.
Thats all. The rest was trial and error.
I also made some zoom in/out during capture but I did not really have time to look at them yet.
hope that was helpful,
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733x900px 617.96 KB
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