The Lonely Godalicexz on DeviantArt

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The Lonely God


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"Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame."
Final Doctor Who art commission from Big Chief Studios! Portrait of the (as of right now, still mysterious) War Doctor, played by the esteemed John Hurt. Part of my official Doctor Who poster series, but as you can see has quite a different, darker feel than the others; I was going for an intense, fiery battlefield sort of thing. The theme ended up tying in quite nicely with the mini-sode The Night of the Doctor.

Reference photos were provided by the BBC. They also chose this title "The Lonely God" out of a list I gave them (I was given no info on the special episode aside from the refs) so take from that what you will. :] We'll all find out what he's about in less than 24 hours anyway!! 

Painted in Photoshop CS5 with a Wacom Cintiq tablet; some textures and fire stock from cgtextures. Thank you SO MUCH TO EVERYONE for your immense support on this series of mine. I was absolutely thrilled to get this opportunity, and after all my struggling, quite proud of the resulting set!! THANK YOU GUYS!!

The Parting of the Ways by alicexz The Turn of the Universe by alicexz The Roar of Our Stars by alicexz The Song of Your Sadness by alicexz

Artwork by Alice X. Zhang
Image size
700x1063px 599.01 KB
© 2013 - 2025 alicexz
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