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My name is Leotie, I am an 18 year old girl from Scotland, currently struggling to overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in order to achieve a decent education. I aspire to become an artist (ideally a comic artist or character designs worker in video game development, or perhaps a graphics designer, should it come down to that).
My main obsessions would be along the lines of video games (Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, ect.), the historical characters of the renaissance (of Italy, for the most part), the Borgia family (mainly Micheletto Corella and Cesare Borgia), several TV shows (Sherlock, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, The Borgias, ect.).
I roleplay over Tumblr. If you are interested in joining one of the groups I am present in, do drop me a note.
If I am to argue with you, I apologize in advance if I become defensive. It is something I try to overcome, but I tend to get very emotional when I upset people, and then the situation becomes worse.
My OTP is Micheletto Corella/Cesare Borgia and it might appear quite often.
I ship based on character interactions over appearance. Sometimes it contradicts canon relationships. Please do not hate me for this fact, and expect to see this from time to time.
yes it's god damn incredible
yes it's kind of alright
yes i don't like it
no shut the fuck up
A good history or plot behind them.
Their interactions and relationships with other characters.
The character must be attractive.
An interesting costume and design.
The character's skills/talents must be of interest.
The character must relate to you in some way.
Other (comment?)
Thank you for your support 🙏